The purpose of these promotion criteria is to recognize the cumulative exceptional accomplishments and contributions of regular full-time, non-tenure line teaching faculty (i.e., those not on the tenure track). This promotion is based on consistently demonstrated outstanding performance related to the individual's assignments in teaching and teaching-related activities, service, and professional development.
These criteria are intended to supplement Policy AC 21 Definition of Academic Ranks, Penn State Human Resources, version dated May 30, 2018.
Review Committee
The School of Business Administration shall form a committee for the review of fixed-term faculty under consideration for promotion using the following guidelines.
- The School review committee shall have at least three members from the non-tenure line faculty serving within the school. Faculty serving on the school committee should not serve simultaneously on the college review committee.
- Review committees will be determined as follows: The majority of members will be elected by non-tenure line faculty. A minority of members will be appointed by the School Director, with consideration for rank, disciplinary coverage and diversity.
- Only full-time, non-tenure-line faculty members are eligible to serve on and vote for the members of the review committee.
- Only faculty of higher rank than the candidate may make recommendations about promotions. Until a sufficient pool of higher-ranked faculty is established through the promotion process, the college dean/chancellor should seek waiver of this requirement from the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
- To avoid tie votes, it is recommended that committees have an odd number of members.
- It is recommended that one or more alternate members be selected in such cases that a selected member cannot be present to make a recommendation.
- The School Director will appoint the chair of the committee.
Criteria for Promotion
The same general principles as those used for tenure-track or tenured faculty shall be used for evaluating qualifications for appointment and promotion of non-tenure line faculty members. These will pertain to the specific duties and responsibilities that have been assigned and will include one or more of the following, as defined in section II of University Policy AC 23, Promotion and Tenure Procedures and Regulations:
- The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning;
- The Scholarship of Research and Creative Accomplishment; and
- The Scholarship of Service to the University, Society, and Profession.
The performance of the candidate for non-tenure line teaching faculty promotion must consistently demonstrate, as appropriate within one’s professional assignment:
- Excellence in teaching and teaching-related activities: This is the most important category of the evaluation and should be weighted higher than service or professional development. Evidence of demonstrated excellence in teaching should include, but is not limited to, Student Ratings of Teaching Effectiveness (SRTE) and written student comments, peer evaluations, and other documentation of participation in curriculum support activities beyond teaching.
- SRTE and written comments – cumulative data should be evaluated that include not only SRTE scores, but also specific student comments. These data will be in the same format as is currently available for the tenure-line faculty promotion and tenure process.
- Peer evaluations – evidence of documented, multiple (a minimum of two) recent peer evaluations should be presented. Peer reviewers must be above rank. In the event that peer teaching evaluations cannot be conducted in-person, they will be conducted remotely.
- Teaching-related activities – there must be evidence of participation in curriculum or teaching support activities that go beyond simply teaching assigned classes and labs. These activities may include (but are not limited to) course development or revision, program development or revision, course hybridization (developing part of the course for online delivery), course coordination, etc.
- Academic advising - There must be evidence of accessibility and responsiveness to students that goes beyond merely meeting with assigned advisees. There should be evidence of the quality of advising regarding program curriculum, career guidance, and assisting students to navigate the University’s support infrastructure. There may be documented evidence to support the improvement of advising skills, such as leading or participating in advising workshops, webinars, or related professional development activities.
The candidate for promotion to third level (i.e., to Associate Teaching Professor for a candidate holding at least a master’s degree or its equivalent and to Teaching Professor for a candidate holding a terminal degree in his/her area of teaching specialization) is expected to have demonstrated performance at a level of distinction above that expected at the second level as suggested by the following:
- Excellence in teaching at all levels, including undergraduate and/or graduate, relevant to the faculty member’s teaching assignments.
- High quality and sustained mentorship through supervision of student projects, scholarly paper/project/thesis advising, and career/internship guidance.
- Leadership in curricular development.
- Utilization of innovative teaching techniques that enhance pedagogy.
In providing evidence of teaching-related activities, the candidate should not just list the activities, but explain the impact. For example, if course coordination is used as evidence, the candidate should briefly describe the specific responsibilities and accomplishments over an appropriate period of time.
- Excellence in service: Service is valued and considered in the promotion review. Service requirements and opportunities for teaching professors are similar to those of tenure-track faculty. Service can be evidenced in many ways, including (but not limited to):
- Participation in committees at the program, school, college or university level
- Participation in faculty governance at the college or university level
- Part-time administrative assignments within the program, school or college
- Curriculum assessment activities
- Activities to support program accreditation
- Judging at university-sponsored student competitions
- Service to student clubs and athletics
- Service roles within professional societies (not mere membership)
- Coordination and/or delivery of faculty seminars
- Community, regional or national service that brings value to the University and is representative of the University’s mission and values
The candidate for promotion to third level is expected to have demonstrated performance at a level of distinction above that expected at the second level as suggested by the following: Leadership in multiple areas of service as listed above.
In providing evidence of service, the candidate should not just list activities, but explain the impact. For example, if membership on a program committee is used as evidence, the candidate should briefly describe the purpose of the committee, its specific accomplishments, and the contributions of the candidate to this effort over an appropriate period of time.
- Excellence in engaged scholarship: Candidates for promotion must demonstrate an ability to stay abreast of their academic discipline and/or the art of teaching through regular, active participation in professional development activities. These can be documented through a variety of scholarly activities such as those presented by the faculty member in the annual Faculty Activity Reports (FARs). They may include (but are not limited to):
- Active participation in University-sponsored workshops, presentations, or seminar
- Active participation in professional meetings, conferences or symposi
- Active participation in research activities that support teaching and learning, such as pedagogical researc
- Active participation in scholarly research, including presentations, publication, and leadership roles in professional workshops or seminar
- Creative work and accomplishments, including patents, inventions, grants, and publication
- Achieving and maintaining professional certificatio
- Membership and active participation in professional organizations
The candidate for promotion to third level is expected to have demonstrated performance at a level of distinction above that expected at the second level as suggested by the following: Excellence in several areas of engaged scholarship some of which are noted above; Recognition both within Penn State and externally as a subject matter expert.
In providing evidence of professional development, the candidate should not just list the activities, but also briefly explain the impact of each activity on the candidate’s growth in disciplinary knowledge or teaching skill. For example, if participation in a college-sponsored teaching workshop is used as evidence, the candidate should briefly describe the purpose of the workshop and how the candidate applied the skills obtained to improve his/her teaching.
Approved by Academic Council on September 25, 2020
Revised and approved October 8, 2021