All full‐time faculty (excluding library faculty) in the Capital College are expected to teach and advise students, to engage in research and/or creative endeavors and scholarly activities, to provide service to the University, the public, and the profession, and to be involved in outreach activities appropriate to their rank and position. Faculty workload is defined by a combination of teaching, scholarship, and service and the evaluation of faculty performance will be based on these areas. The College and Schools may have varying expectations and requirements for individual faculty members depending on the nature of their assignments.
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: The standard teaching responsibilities for tenured and tenure‐track faculty engaged in significant scholarly research and/or creative endeavors and service activities is nine (9) credit hours per semester or eighteen (18) credit hours per academic year. Since most courses are three credit hour offerings, faculty generally teach three courses each semester during the academic year. In this context, a course is defined as a credit‐bearing offering that satisfies the University standards for minimum enrollment and that meets as a regularly scheduled class during the fall or spring semester. Suitable adjustments may be made for courses that include extended contact hours such as laboratories. Assignment of teaching responsibilities is under the purview of the School Director. Course releases are generally for a limited time only. Tenured faculty who lack a record of significant scholarly productivity or service will be assigned twelve (12) credit hours of teaching per semester. All full‐time faculty who are neither tenured nor on tenure‐track status are expected to teach twelve (12) credit hours per semester. In general, newly hired tenure‐track faculty members will receive the equivalent of one three‐credit course release during each of their first two academic years at the Capital College. All full‐time faculty are expected to advise students as determined by the School Director and program coordinators.
The Scholarship of Research and Creative Accomplishments: All full‐time faculty are expected to engage in scholarly and professional development activities. For tenured and tenure‐track faculty, the requirements for such activity are determined by the promotion and tenure guidelines developed by the faculty of each School of the Capital College and by University policies such as HR‐21 and HR‐23. Specific directions and suggestions may be made by the School Director.
Service and the Scholarship of Service to the University, Society, and the Profession: All full‐time faculty are expected to provide appropriate service to the University, the public, and their profession. For tenured and tenure‐track faculty, the requirements for such service are determined by the promotion and tenure guidelines developed by the faculty of each School of the Capital College and by University policies such as HR‐21 and HR‐23. Specific directions and suggestions may be made by the School Director.
Minimum enrollment: While a minimally enrolled course will count as a course for workload purposes, enrollment limits should be determined by School Directors, based upon academic rationale.
Note: The Teaching Load Policy, first adopted on 6th April 2000 and subsequently revised on 15th October 2008, was further revised and labeled as Faculty Workload Policy. It was reviewed by the College Faculty Senate on 21st September 2010 and approved by the Academic Council on 22nd September 2010.