To establish a common procedure for inviting and hosting international scholars and/or creative artists visiting Penn State Capital College
The Capital College welcomes international guests to enrich the intellectual and cultural life of the college and its many communities. Such visits can contribute significantly to the college and university goals of increasing international understanding, fostering the appreciation of creativity and artistic expression, facilitating the exploration of the social/political history of other nations, and encouraging respect for the culture of other countries.
These guidelines establish the basic procedures all Schools and administrative units must use before, during, and after the visit of an international guest.
The Provost and Dean has the primary responsibility for ensuring that all university policies and applicable federal laws are observed.
The following actions must be initiated by the academic or administrative unit serving as the host for an international scholar or creative artist. No invitation will be processed without the written approval of the School Director or supervisor of an administrative unit and the Office of the Chancellor.
Faculty/staff seeking to invite an international scholar to Penn State Harrisburg must discuss the invitation with the School Director before contacting the Capital College's Office of International Programs. The faculty/staff member must submit a written proposal, which must contain the following information:
- A memo from the School or administrative director indicating approval of the proposal;
- The name of the exempt staff or faculty member who will serve as the scholar's "Responsible Person." Since the scholar is being invited by Penn State Capital College, the "host" School/department has a responsibility to ensure that someone is assigned as the "Responsible Person" to coordinate the scholar's arrival, housing and orientation to Penn State Capital College;
- Scholar's name and short vita;
- Dates of proposed visit;
- Scholar's activities and duties (lectures, classes, community meeting, workshops, etc.);
- Source(s) of funding;
- Payment of an honorarium (yes, no) and the amount;
- Reimbursement of expenses (up to what limit);
- Travel and lodging arrangements;
- Identification of spouse/companion and/or children accompanying the scholar. If the visitor is accompanied by other guests, the School or administrative unit must indicate who is paying the expenses for spouse and/or children;
- Determination of whether the scholar has a U.S. Social Security Number. If yes, what is the SSN?; and
- Availability of health insurance for the scholar (and family). Health insurance is mandatory for invited international guests of the Capital College
- The Capital College Office of Human Resources will review the proposal, make a preliminary determination of the proposed scholar's visa eligibility and forward a recommendation concerning the proposal to the Office of the Chancellor.
Upon approval of the proposal by the Office of the Chancellor, the Capital College Office of International Programs will send personal correspondence to the scholar.
- The correspondence will explicitly state the terms of the visit (e.g., dates, travel arrangements, activities, honorarium, reimbursement of expenses, and a statement of health insurance requirement);
- The correspondence will explain the Visa requirements and process, including a notation to the scholar to pay particular attention to the type of Visa he/she is issued when entering the United States as well as any conditions related to the scholar's visit, e.g., lectures, public appearances, press contacts, or other obligations;
- The correspondence will indicate the name and contact information of the scholar's "responsible person;"
- The correspondence will be cosigned by the School or unit director and the director of international programs;
Two attachments will be included with the letter:
- Attachment A: Visitor's Information Sheet for Income and Travel. This document must be signed and returned to the Office of International Programs by the scholar.
- Attachment B: Handout titled "Important Information for J1 and B1/B2 Visa holders visiting Penn State Capital College; and
- The letter will be copied to: (1) the "responsible individual; (2) the director of the Office of Human Resources; (3) the School Director; and, (4) the Office of the Chancellor.
If appropriate, a IAP-66 Application for a J1 short-term scholar's visa will be completed by the Office of International Programs and processed through the University's International Scholars and Faculty Services office:
- Application Form to be completed and signed by Capital College Office of International Programs;
- Signed by Office of Human Resources;
- Signed by the Chancellor;
- The names and titles of each signatory will be forwarded to the Office of International Programs at University Park so that office can provide a final check of the review process;
- Forwarded to the International Scholars and Faculty Services (ISFS) at UP; and
- Approved J1 Certificate of Eligibility is sent by ISFS to the scholar and copied to the Office of International Programs
Note: It is the general practice of the Capital College's Office of International Programs to apply for a J1 Short-term Scholars Visa for international scholars invited to the College. The J1 Visa is the most appropriate and flexible means to facilitate a rewarding and satisfying experience for our guests and the college community. The host unit must plan ahead because the visa application process can take up to eight weeks to complete.
Receiving the scholar
- Upon the scholar's arrival, the "Responsible Person" is responsible for meeting and transporting the Scholar to their lodging and to and from the campus;
- During the first business day following the scholar's arrival, the scholar and the "Responsible Person" must present themselves to the Capital College Office of International Programs for a "Check-In" session to discuss the scholar's arrangements and schedule, to provide copies of Visa, passport, and documentation of health insurance, to complete Penn State's Alien Information Request Form (GF5.1) and to review the handout titled, "Important Information for J1 and B1/B2 Visa holders visiting Penn State Harrisburg"; and,
- Within the same time period, the scholar and the "Responsible Person" must visit the Office of Human Resources to complete the I-9 form, and, if necessary, other appropriate forms, such as Form 8233 (Exemption for Withholding).
Approved: Academic Council July 9, 2002
Approved: Dean July 9, 2002
Revised: Academic Council April 8, 2009