This guideline establishes procedures for seeking approval to offer non-Capital College majors, minors, and/or options at all Capital College locations.
The applicable University policy is P-3 from the Academic Administrative Policies and Procedures, which can be found on the Office of Undergraduate Education’s web page.
The P-3 policy has been adapted to provide procedures for Capital College. Provisions of the University policy are indicated in italics; procedures specific to Capital College are in plain text. All actions and approvals related to the sharing of majors, minors, and options must be consistent with the University Faculty Senate curricular policies.
Capital College Procedures
- The faculty proposing the new major and/or minor should read the provisions of P-3. Early consultation with the School Director and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs is recommended.
- The School seeking the major, minor, and/or option should prepare a proposal responding to the queries and concerns identified in P-3. Such proposals will normally be the responsibility of the program coordinator or a designated representative of the program faculty.
- Early consultation with the sponsoring department is critical and must be demonstrated. The communications required for the consultative process will normally be between the Program Coordinator and the Department Head/Chair of the sponsoring college. The School Director and/or the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs should facilitate such communications if necessary.
- An eight-semester plan should be submitted to the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs demonstrating that the requirements of the proposed major and/or minor can be met at one or both Capital College location.
- The School must demonstrate that it has a plan to provide any General Education courses required for the specific major and/or minor. The School must show that the majority of the lower division courses required for the major will be taught by faculty on standing appointments preferably tenured or tenure-track faculty.
- The School or program must also demonstrate that the local library resources are adequate to support the academic program.
- The proposal must be approved by the School Director, the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and the Chancellor of the College.
- When all the requirements mentioned above are met, the Senior Associate Dean will submit the proposal to members of the Administrative Council on Undergraduate Education (ACUE) and the appropriate academic administrative offices.
Approved: Academic Leadership Council June 29, 2004
Approved: Dean June 29, 2004
Revised: Academic Council April 8, 2009