- SGA President (co-chair)*
- Chief Student affairs officer or designee (co-chair)
- 6 Student Appointees
- 2 Alternate Student Appointees
- 1 Staff Member**
- 1 Faculty Member**
- Business Services Representative (SFF only)**
Per the 2022 Student Fee Board Handbook, Section 6.2.1: Campus allocation committees are granted the authority by the SFB to allocate Student Fee funds for all requests related to student activities, recreation, and services (with the exception of those established by the CFB) at each of the Commonwealth campuses. The activities portion of the fee includes, but is not limited to, student organizations recognized by the University, college, or department, affiliate organizations, and University units. Activities allocations will be pursuant to the campus allocation committee handbook and local/federal/state law. All local boards, can follow their local policies, seeing that they do not conflict with CFB operating procedure or SFB policy (Student Fee Board Handbook, 2022).
Student Fee Allocation Membership
The Student Fee Allocation Committee (SFAC) shall consist of:
*In the event of a tied vote, the ruling will go the direction of the chair’s vote (SGA President)
** Non-voting committee members
The Student Activities Fund (SAF) is a fund that every registered student at Penn State Harrisburg pays into, as part of the fees collected with tuition. The purpose of the SAF is to provide students with funds to enhance their co-curricular campus experience while enrolled at Penn State Harrisburg.
Per the 2022 Student Fee Board Handbook, Section 2.1: Activities funding enhances the student out-of-class experiences including programming, travel, equipment, and media publication. The primary use for activities funds is to enhance the campus climate through student-initiated programming, activities, and experiences. Student activities educate, entertain, and/or engage students outside of academic requirements.
About SAF Funding Requests
Funding requests are made by submitting a proposal to the Student Fee Allocation Committee. The Student Fee Allocation Committee is responsible for reviewing and voting on the proposals, recommending or requiring stipulations, and allocating activity monies consistent with the purpose of the fee, as described above. Applicants are required to review the Penn State Harrisburg Student Initiated Fee Handbook before submitting a proposal.
The Student Facilities Fund (SFF) is a fund that every registered student at Penn State Harrisburg pays into as part of the fees collected with tuition. The purpose of the SFF is to provide students with the funds to enhance or improve the Penn State Harrisburg infrastructure by making improvements and expansions of non-academic, recreational, and multi-use spaces for students.
Per the 2022 Student Fee Board Handbook, Section 2.2: Facilities funding enhances the student out-of-class experience by supporting both large-scale and small-scale infrastructure projects primarily intended for student use or benefit. Large-scale projects include facility development through building and/or renovating university facilities intended for student out-of-class use. Small-scale projects can include, but are not limited to, student-requested enhancement/increase of existing resources, support of facilities for recognized student organizations, campus beautification and memorial projects, and the purchase of equipment designed for a student facility.
About SFF Funding Requests
Funding requests are made by submitting a proposal to the Student Fee Allocation Committee. The SFAC is responsible for reviewing and voting on the proposals, recommending or requiring stipulations, and allocating facility monies consistent with the purpose of the fee, as described above. SFF projects may also require approval from the following: Office of Physical Plant, Director of Student Affairs, Chancellor, and/or Vice President of Student Affairs. Applicants are required to review the Penn State Harrisburg Student Initiated Fee Handbook before submitting a proposal.
*A campus should make every effort to explore additional sources of financial support for any proposed capital expansion project, to assist in minimizing fees charged to students.