Faculty Research Expertise
Field of Study
Faculty Name | Areas of Research Expertise |
Eileen Ahlin, Ph.D. | Violence, victimization, corrections, marginalized populations, research methods |
Shaun L. Gabbidon, Ph.D. | Race and crime; public opinion on race, crime, and justice; security administration; criminology and criminal justice pedagogy |
Jennifer C. Gibbs, Ph.D. | Policing, including recruitment/hiring/retention; violence against police and public perceptions of police; terrorism; victimization |
Daniel Howard, Ph.D. | Corrections policy, drug policy, program evaluation, criminology theory, structural inequality |
Don Hummer, Ph.D. | Institutional and community-based corrections; institutional and community violence; justice system policy and evidence-based practice; crime prevention and control; technology in the criminal justice system; criminal justice education |
Shauntey James, J.D., Ph.D. | Women, leadership, gender identity, sexual assault, social economic status and crime |
Philip Kavanaugh, Ph.D. | Drugs and drug policy; deviance and social control; cultural criminology; critical criminology; critical public health; social theory; qualitative and ethnographic methods |
Jonathan Lee, Ph.D. | Criminology; family and juvenile delinquency; crime profiling; police operation; public and police |
Siyu Liu, Ph.D. | Comparative criminology, criminal desistance, police legitimacy, the fourth amendment protections, death penalty |
Jennifer L. Schally, Ph.D. | Green criminology, corporate violence, victimization, animal harm |
Jennifer Smith, M.A. | Juvenile justice, corrections, criminological theory and the scholarship of teaching and learning |
Emily R. Strohacker, Ph.D. | Criminology, deviant behaviors, cybercrimes, human trafficking, homicide, suicide, victimization |
Elizabeth Jane Beckett-Camarata, Ph.D. | Public-private partnerships, infrastructure finance, capital budgeting, long-term debt management, contingent liabilities, municipal bankruptcy, type and timeliness of financial reporting, revenue volatility, revenue forecasting, and intergovernmental transfers |
Sung W. Choi, Ph.D. | Child and family health, health equity, racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care, health care financing |
Sara Imanpour, Ph.D. | Immigrant health, qualitative research, antibiotic stewardship |
Sujeong Park, Ph.D. | Mental health and substance use, maternal health, health economics |
Eric Best, Ph.D. | Quantitative social science, hazard reduction and evacuation modeling, spatial statistics |
Nicholas Eftimiades, M.S. | Intelligence and terrorism operations, national security space policy and strategy, emerging technology and implications for intelligence and national and homeland security |
Chris Dolan, PhD. | Homeland security, U.S. national security, cyber defense, critical infrastructure protection, cyber threat intelligence, irregular/hybrid warfare, advanced defense technology, security cooperation, NATO |
Daniel J. Mallinson, Ph.D. | Policy process theory (policy diffusion, punctuated equilibrium), cannabis policy, energy policy, research methods, science of teaching and learning |
L. Marvin Overby, Ph.D. | American politics, American political institutions (especially Congress), American political development, campaigns and elections |
Juliette Tolay, Ph.D. | International relations and comparative politics; immigration, asylum, and displacement; foreign policy; Turkish politics; European politics; Middle Eastern Politics; Eurocentrism, postcolonialism, critical theories |
Seth Wright, PhD | American politics, local government, transparency, open government, interpretivism, ordinary language philosophy, public administration |
Lauren Azevedo, Ph.D. | Public administration education, nonprofit management and leadership, board governance, collaborative government, strategic management, capacity building, ethics and cultural competency, organizational behavior, program evaluation, research methods |
Elizabeth Jane Beckett-Camarata, Ph.D. | Public-private partnerships, infrastructure finance, capital budgeting, long-term debt management, contingent liabilities, municipal bankruptcy, type and timeliness of financial reporting, revenue volatility, revenue forecasting, and intergovernmental transfers |
Younhee Kim, Ph.D. | Public management, performance management, performance measurement, public entrepreneurship, citizen participation, data and information management policies |
Göktuğ Morçöl, Ph.D. | Complex governance networks, complexity theory (complex adaptive systems), metropolitan governance, business improvement districts, public policy and administration education, policy analysis and evaluation methodology |
Bing Ran, Ph.D. | Governance, governance strategies, and collaborative governance networks; transparency and accountability; social entrepreneurship and hybrid organizations; public sector human resources management; organizational identity and identification; knowledge management and knowledge integration |
Glenn L Silverstein, Ph.D. | Leadership, decision-making, public affairs education, the intersection of religion and policy |
Odd Stalebrink, Ph.D. | Governmental accounting, performance budgeting, investment administration, entrepreneurship and regional economic development |
Michele Tantardini, Ph.D. | Public management, performance management, organizational theory and behavior, human resource management, religion, faith, spirituality and public administration |
Triparna Vasavada, Ph.D. | Nonprofit management, gender issues in management, disaster management, social network analysis |