Michele Tantardini, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Public Administration, School of Public Affairs
Professor-in-Charge, Certificate Program in Policy Analysis and Evaluation
Affiliate Faculty, Penn State Social Science Research Institute
Olmsted Building, W157

Michele Tantardini earned an undergraduate and master’s degree in economics and management of public administration at Bocconi University (Milan, Italy). His academic career has been focused on the management of public sector institutions and organizations, and the delivery of public services. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the School of Public Affairs at Penn State Harrisburg. He earned his Ph.D. in Public Affairs at Florida International University (Miami, FL) with a dissertation on the relationship between performance information use and organizational social capital. His professional experience started by working for the Treasury Department of the Italian Republic (Rome, Italy). He then started working as a young researcher both at the Bocconi School of Management and Bocconi University in Milan, Italy.

Dr. Michele Tantardini has spent time conducting research focusing on the following topics: performance information use, social capital, and public service motivation. Among the others, his publications appeared on the following journals: Public Performance and Management Review, International Public Management Journal, Review of Public Personnel Administration, International Journal of Public Administration, and Teaching Public Administration. He is currently focusing his research efforts on exploring the manifold relations between religion, faith, and spirituality and public administration. His work on religion and public administration has been published on Public Policy and Administration and the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Administration. The monograph "Religion and Public Administration: An Introduction" has been recently published with Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

  • Public Management
  • Performance Management
  • Social Capital
  • Public Service Motivation
  • Religion, faith, and spirituality


Ongaro, E. & Tantardini, M. (2023). Religion and public administration: An introduction. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Journal Articles

Prysmakova, P., & Tantardini, M. (In Press). Financial performance and  ethics: Employing commitment to public values as proxy. International Journal  of Public Sector Performance Management, 29. 

Ongaro, E., & Tantardini, M. (2023) Debate: Why the religious factor has been  forgotten in PA studies? (And how to remedy it). Public Money & Management. 

Levine, E. J., & Tantardini, M. (2023). Defining and measuring economic  development: A literature review and outlook. Journal of Public and Nonprofit  Affairs 9(3), 1-32. 

Ongaro, E., & Tantardini, M. (2023). Advancing knowledge in public  administration: Why religion matters. Asia Pacific Journal of Public  Administration, 45(01), 1-6. DOI: DOI:10.1080/23276665.2022.2155858

Ongaro, E., & Tantardini, M. (2023). Religion and public administration: A  systematic literature review and outlook. Public Policy & Administration.  DOI:10.1177/0952076722114686

Tantardini, M. (2022). Organizational social capital and performance  information use: The mediating role of Public Service Motivation. State and  Local Government Review, 54(3), 31. DOI: 10.1177/0160323X221113366

Zhang, X., Tantardini, M., Kim, Y., & De Lancer Julnes, P. (2021). Is  performance management reform living up to its expectations? An analysis of  public management reform in China’s Guangdong Province. Public Performance  & Management Review, 44(1), 27. 

Tantardini, M., & Tolay, J. (2020). Does performance matter in migration  governance? The case of the 2016 EU-Turkey Statement. International Journal  of Public Administration, 43(2), 137-150. 

Morcol, G., Tantardini, M., Williams, A., & Slagle, D. R. (2020). Master of  Public Administration and Master of Public Policy degrees: Differences and  similarities in the curricula and course contents. Teaching Public  Administration, 38(3), 313-332. DOI: 10.1177/0144739420915758

Tantardini, M. (2019). Routine and nonroutine performance information use: An  assessment about substitution and complementarity. Public Management Review,  21(5), 755-774. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2018.1523452

Kroll, A., & Tantardini, M. (2017). Motivating and retaining government  employees: The role of organizational social capital. International Public  Management Journal, 22(2), 232-253. DOI: 10.1080/10967494.2017.1367341

Tantardini, M., Guo, H., & Ganapati, N. (2017). Social capital and public  financial performance: Lessons from Florida. Public Performance & Management  Review, 40(3), 480-503. ISBN/ISSN: 

Prysmakova, P., Tantardini, M., & Potkański, T. (2017). The role of  financial performance in motivating Polish municipal employees. Review of  Public Personnel Administration, 39(1), 75-105. ISBN/ISSN:  10.1177/0734371X16685600

Tantardini, M., & Garcia-Zamor, J.-C. (2015). Organizational social capital  and anticorruption policies: An exploratory analysis. Public Organization  Review, 15(4), 599-609. 

Tantardini, M., & Kroll, A. (2015). The role of organizational social capital  in performance management. Public Performance and Management Review, 39(1),  83-99. 

Ph.D. (Florida International University, Miami, FL)
Master (Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)
Bachelor (Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)

PADM 503: Research Design
PADM 505: Human Resources in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors
PADM 510: Organization Behavior
PADM 511: Organizational Change and Development
PADM 521: Performance Measurement and Management
PADM 550: Policy and Program Evaluation
PADM 596: Individual Studies
PADM 600: Thesis Research