Md Faisal Kabir, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Olmsted, W231 A

Dr. Md Faisal Kabir earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science from North Dakota State University (NDSU), USA. He also received a BSc and MSc degree in computer science and Engineering (CSE) from United International University (UIU), Bangladesh, part of his MSc degree completed at the University of Bradford, UK.

Before joining Penn State Harrisburg, Dr. Kabir worked as an instructor and a research/ teaching assistant at NDSU. Moreover, Dr. Kabir worked as a Lecturer and an Assistant Professor in the department of CSE, UIU.

  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Health Informatics
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for health research

Md Faisal Kabir, Simone A. Ludwig, Classification Models and Survival Analysis for Prostate Cancer Using RNA Sequencing and Clinical Data, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Los Angeles, USA, 2019.

Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Md Faisal Kabir, Mohammad Nurul Huda, an approach of handling verbal inflections of Bengali text: conversion of Shadu to Cholito form of language, IEEE 21st International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019.

Md Faisal Kabir, D. Schulman & A.S. Abdullah, Promoting Relational Agent for Health Behavior Change in Low and Middle - Income Countries (LMICs): Issues and Approaches, Journal of Medical Systems (2019) 43: 227.

Md Faisal Kabir, Simone A. Ludwig, Enhancing the Performance of Classification Using Super Learning, Journal of Data-Enabled Discovery and Applications, Springer, vol. 3, no. 5, 2019.

Md Faisal Kabir, Simone A. Ludwig, A.S. Abdullah, Rule Discovery from Breast Cancer Risk Factors using Association Rule Mining, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), USA, 2018.

Md Faisal Kabir, Simone A. Ludwig, Classification of Breast Cancer Risk Factors Using Several Resampling Approaches, 2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Orlando, FL, USA, 2018.

M. M Rahman, Md Faisal Kabir, M N Huda, A Corpus Based N-gram Hybrid Approach of Bengali to English Machine Translation, 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2018.

Md Shoab Miah, Sabirat Rubya, Md Faisal Kabir. Assessment of occupational noise induced hearing loss via a smartphone application. 8th International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2014.

Rahman Monzurur, Kabir Md Faisal, R Mushfiqur. Integrated Data Mining and Business Intelligence. Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization (1st Edition), IGI Global publisher, USA, 2013.

F.A. Siddiky, Faisal Kabir and S.M. Monzurur Rahman, “Data Generalization with k-means for scalable data mining” Int. J. Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining (IJKEDM), 2012.

Hossain, Sayed Md Sakib, S. M. Rahman, and Md Faisal Kabir. "Network proxy log mining: association rule based security and performance enhancement for proxy server." Computer Science and Engineering 49 (2012): 9852-9857.

S M Monzurur Rahman, Md Faisal Kabir and F A Siddiky, “Rules Mining From Multi-layered Neural Networks”, Int. J. of Computational Systems Engineering (IJCSysE), 2012.

Md Faisal kabir, C.M. Rahman, A. Hossain, K. Dahal, "Enhanced classification accuracy on naive bayes data mining models", International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 28, pp. 9-16, 2011.

Md Faisal kabir, Chowdury HAM, Dahal K, Hossain M.A and CM Rahman, Disjunctive Naïve Bayesian Classifier to Enhance Accuracy for Dynamic Prediction. International conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Application (SKIMA 2010), Paro,Bhutan ,August 25-27,2010.

Mohammed Anowarul Hassan, Rubaiya Rahtin Khan, Md Faisal Kabir and Dr. Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman. Finding the Appropriate Meaning of Polysemous Words Using Context Dependency, 2nd International Conference on Data Management (ICDM), IMT Ghaziabad, India, 10-11 February 2009.

Md Faisal kabir, S Aziz, S Ahmmed, CM Rahman, Information theoretic SOP expression minimization technique, IEEE 10th International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Bangladesh, 2007.

Md Faisal Kabir, Munsur M, ASM Abdullah, Promoting Smoking Cessation among youth in Bangladesh: strategies and approaches. 8th Asia pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health, 17-20, October, 2007, Howard plaza Hotel Taipei, Taiwan.

Ph.D. in Computer Science, North Dakota State University