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Rizki Prasetyaningtyas and Saskia Putri

A sustainable answer to industrial pollution? That’s 'bananas'!

Penn State Harrisburg graduate students in environmental pollution control Rizki Prasetyaningtyas and Saskia Putri have been eating lots of bananas and oranges. All this fruit consumption has a purpose. The students are testing whether fruit peels can be used to remove heavy metals from wastewater coming from textile mills like the ones in their native country Indonesia.
Truman and Sasamori

Hiroshima bombing survivor Shigeko Sasamori to visit Penn State Harrisburg

Shigeko Sasamori, a Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor, will speak at noon Nov. 14, in the Mukund S. Kulkarni Theatre in the Student Enrichment Center on campus. She will be joined by Clifton Truman Daniel, grandson of former U.S. President Harry Truman, to present "Tales of a Hiroshima Maiden: Navigating Peace with Shigeko Sasamori and Clifton Truman." The event is free and open to the public.
collage of baseball artifacts

Penn State Harrisburg symposium looked at how baseball reflects American history

Baseball is an American tradition, with origins that date back to before the American Civil War. As the Washington Nationals celebrate a historic World Series win, a group of speakers at a recent Penn State Harrisburg symposium, titled "Athletes in Action: A Symposium About Diversity in Early American Baseball and Nittany Lion Lettermen's Contributes to the Great War," discussed how the history of baseball is deeply entwined in the history of America.