Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Stephen M. Hayes [email protected]
Maintenance Operations, Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations
Jessica Hazel
Richard Heddleson [email protected]
717 948 6372
Amy J. Heffelfinger [email protected]
Data Analyst, The Pennsylvania State Data Center
Church Hall, 0000 717 948 6173
Laura Heisick, Ph.D. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor of Psychology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Olmsted Building, W311 717 948 6362
Kevin Herst [email protected]
Grounds Operations, Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations
Amy A. Hickoff [email protected]
Financial Assistant, Bursar's Office
Swatara Building, W101 717 948 6569
Tami Hile [email protected]
Administrative Support Manager, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Olmsted Bldg, W215 717 948 6541
Brenna R. Hill, Ph.D, CSCS [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor of Physiology, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Science & Tech Building, TL 103 717 948 6294
James Hill [email protected]
Maintenance Operations, Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations
Maintenance & Oper Bld
Stephanie Hill [email protected]
Administrative Support Assistant, Student Engagement
Student Enrichment Center (SEC), 112 717 948 6180
Jack Himes
Senior Recycling Program Manager, Recycling Markets Center
Roquella Hinds
Jen Hirt, M.F.A. [email protected]
Associate Professor of Creative Writing, School of Humanities
Olmsted Building, W356J 717 948 6167
Stacey L. Hoerner [email protected]
Business Operations Assistant, Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations
Business Operations Assistant, Business Services
717 948 6450
Jessica Hoffman [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer in Cybersecurity, School of Business Administration
Michael Hollenbush
Eric Holmes, M.A., L.P.C. [email protected]
Assistant Director, Counseling and Psychological Services
Athletics Liaison
Student Enrichment Center, 205 717 948 6025
Krista M. Holtzman [email protected]
Custodial Operations, Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations
Kesha L. Hood [email protected]
Custodial Operations, Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations
Maintenance & Oper Bld