Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Susan Hook-Smeal [email protected]
Part-Time Sales Support, Housing & Food Services
717 948 6241
Dave J. Horan [email protected]
Research Technologist, Information Technology Center of ISRA
Church Hall, W000 717 948 6173
Daniel Howard, Ph.D. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor of Criminal Justice, School of Public Affairs
Olmsted Building, W157 717 948 6648
Indrit Hoxha, Ph.D. [email protected]
Professor of Economics, School of Business Administration
Program Coordinator, Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Program Coordinator, Bachelor of Science in Finance
Program Coordinator, Minor in Information Sciences and Technology/Finance
Program Coordinator, Minor in Information Sciences and Technology/Accounting
Assistant Director of Honors Program
Olmsted Building, E356 717 948 6344
Bradley A. Huebner, M.A. [email protected]
Professional Writing Tutor, Learning Center
Student Enrichment Center, 201 717 948 6475
Amanda Humes [email protected]
Food Service Production Worker, Housing & Food Services
Don Hummer, Ph.D. [email protected]
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, School of Public Affairs
Olmsted Building, W157 717 948 6615
Justus Humphrey, M.F.A. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor of English Composition, School of Humanities
Assessment Coordinator, English Composition
Olmsted Building, W355L 717 948 6683
Michael L. Hund, Esq.
Louise M. Hyder-Darlington [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer in Kinesiology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Rukayya Ibrahim [email protected]
Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Olmsted Building, W225F 717 948 6468
Panna Idowu, M.A. [email protected]
Special Events Manager, Special Events
Student Enrichment Center, 201N 717 948 6002
Peter B. Idowu, Ph.D., P.E. [email protected]
Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies, Graduate Studies
Professor of Electrical Engineering, School of Science, Engineering and Technology
Olmsted Building, W102 717 948 6315
Harris E. Imadojemu, Ph.D. [email protected]
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Olmsted Building, W239 717 948 6619
Sara Imanpour, Ph.D. [email protected]
Assistant Professor of Health Administration, School of Public Affairs
Olmsted Building, W160C 717 948 6154
Jonathan W. Ivy, Ph.D. [email protected]
Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Professor-in-Charge, Master in Applied Behavior Analysis
Olmsted Building, W311g 717 948 6063
Stefanie Jackson-Lassiter [email protected]
Human Resources Assistant, Human Resources
Olmsted Building, W106 717 948 6004
Coren Jagnow [email protected]
Statistician, Center for Survey Research
Shauntey James, J.D., Ph.D. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor of Criminal Justice, School of Public Affairs
Olmsted, W160 717 948 6226
Anne Jaster