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Student workers at the ITS Service desk look at someone's laptop.

Student workers solve tech problems while building their resumes

Students working the ITS Service Desk at Penn State Harrisburg help campus community members with a wide array of technology issues — from downloading software to deploying, building, and testing classroom and lab computers, and even occasionally trying to rescue someone’s device from an accidental spill. As they troubleshoot, they’re gaining valuable career experience that is giving them an advantage when it comes time to look for jobs.
Peer mentors and Career studies students gather for lunch.

Peer mentors serve as ‘heart’ of Penn State Harrisburg program

The Career Studies program at Penn State Harrisburg offers individuals with intellectual disabilities, age 18 to 25, the opportunity to receive an inclusive post-secondary education. Peer mentors are the “heart” of the program, according to Sandy McBride, Career Studies program coordinator.
Students sit at tables during the anniversary celebration for the Multicultural Academic Excellence Program.

Penn State Harrisburg program brings students together

For more than three decades, Penn State Harrisburg’s Multicultural Academic Excellence Program, better known as MAEP, has served as a place for students to expand their horizons, meet new people, learn about academic or professional topics, and simply be themselves without judgment.