Quick Reference Phone Numbers
University Police and Public Safety provides help and protection 24/7 year round; located in the Susquehanna Building
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: 717-948-6232
Information 911 will need
- Your name
- Incident location (include building and room number)
- Nature of emergency
- Callback number
- Injuries to anyone
Stay on the phone until instructed to hang up
If you hear the fire alarm:
- If time permits, take your personal belongings (laptop, purse, medications, etc.).
- If time permits, close down your workstation.
- Evacuate the building. Close doors behind you.
- Go to your predefined meeting location.
- Do not re-enter the building unless instructed to do so by public safety officials.
If you smell smoke or see fire:
- Move away from fire and smoke. Close doors and windows, if time permits.
- Feel closed doors with the back of your hand. If they are hot, find another exit.
- Pull the closest fire alarm (pull station).
- Evacuate the building.
- On your way out, warn others nearby.
- Use stairs only; do not use elevators.
- Once outside, call 911.
- Go to your predefined meeting area.
- Do not re-enter the building unless instructed to do so by public safety officials.
If you are trapped:
- Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
- Put clothing (preferably wet) around the edges of the door.
- Call 911.
- Stand near a window so that you can be seen.
- Open the window to allow fresh oxygen into the area.
Bomb Threats
- If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus do not handle the object!
- Clear the area and call 911.
- Remain calm.
- If you receive a phone call bomb threat, attempt to ask the caller:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb located?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why did you place the bomb?
- Talk to the caller as long as possible and document the following:
- Time of call.
- Age and gender of caller.
- Speech pattern, accent.
- Emotional state of caller.
- Background noise.
- University Police Officers will conduct a cursory bomb search. Employees are requested to make a visual inspection of their area for suspicious objects and report the location to University Police. Do not handle the object!
- If an emergency exists, activate the building alarm.
- When alarm is sounded, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit.
- Outside, move to a clear area at least 500 feet from building. Do not re-enter.
Active Threat
If the perpetrator(s) is inside the building:
- If possible, flee the area safely and avoid danger.
- If flight is impossible, lock (or barricade) all doors and secure yourself in a safe area.
- Lie on the floor and stay out of the line of fire.
- Call 911.
- In the case of an immediate life-threatening event, take whatever actions are necessary to protect your own life.
- Remain in place until the “all-clear” is given by an authorized person or law enforcement official.
If the perpetrator(s) is outside the building:
- Secure-in-place: close and lock (or barricade) all doors and windows. If you can do so safely, get everyone on the floor and out of the line of fire.
- Try to put as many walls and doors between you and the perpetrator(s) as possible.
- Remain in place until an “all clear” is given by an authorized official.
- Observe and take notes of the following, if this can be done safely:
- Description of the people involved in the act.
- Description of vehicle(s) involved.
- Types and number of weapons.
- Statements and other pertinent information.
Violent or Criminal Behavior:
- If you are a victim or a witness to any on-campus offense or observe a criminal act or suspicious person on campus, promptly call 911.
- Supply the officers with any additional information.
Hazardous Materials
- Report spillage of hazardous material immediately to University Police, specify material involved and exact location.
- The key person on-site should vacate the affected area and seal it off to prevent further contamination until University Police arrives.
- Anyone contaminated by the spill should avoid contact with others, remain in the vicinity, and give their names to University Police.
- If an emergency exists, activate the building alarm.
- When alarm is sounded, walk quickly to the nearest exit.
- Outside, move to a clear area at least 500 feet from building. Do not re-enter.
Medical Emergencies
- If serious injury or illness occurs, call 911.
- Follow the dispatcher’s instructions and answer all questions.
- Don’t hang up until you are told to do so.
- Don’t leave the scene until help arrives.
- 911 will dispatch University Police.
- Drop to your hands and knees.
- Cover your head and neck with your arms to protect yourself from falling debris.
- Seek cover under a sturdy desk or table.
- Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors, walls, and anything that could fall.
- Do not seek shelter in a doorway; this does not provide protection from falling or flying debris.
- Do not run outside.
- Do not leave cover until the “all clear” is issued.
Utility Failure
If a utility failure occurs during regular business hours, contact the Office of Physical Plant; after hours, contact University Police.
- If an emergency exists, call 911. Activate building alarm if needed.
- Evacuate the building when an alarm sounds or if an emergency exists.
- Outside, move to a clear area at least 500 feet from building. Do not re-enter.
Severe Weather
Severe Thunderstorm/Tornado Warning
Register for emergency messaging to your phone and other accounts at
If you are inside:
- Go to the basement or to an inside hallway at the lowest level of the building.
- Lock offices and secure sensitive or confidential items if time permits.
- Avoid places with wide-span roofs such as auditoriums, theater style rooms, cafeterias, large hallways, and gymnasiums.
- Stay away from exterior windows and doors, display cases, shelving, or wall mounted audio visual equipment that could collapse.
- Get under a piece of sturdy furniture (if available) such as a workbench, heavy table, or desk, and hold on to it.
- Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
If you are outside:
- Get inside a building, if possible.
- Get inside a car, put the seatbelt on, and cover your head with a coat or blanket.
- Lie in a low-lying area, or crouch near a strong building if you cannot reach shelter.
- Be aware of the potential for flash flooding.
- Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
Psychological Crisis
A psychological crisis may exist when a person is threatening harm to themselves or others, or appears to be out of touch with reality.
If a psychological crisis occurs:
- Never try to handle on your own a situation you feel is dangerous.
- In emergencies, call 911.
Protective Actions
- Lock or barricade doors.
- Turn out lights and move away from windows.
- Remain quiet.
- Lie on the ground and protect your head and neck with your hands.
- Wait quietly for the “all clear” message.
- If time permits, turn off your workstation and log out of your computer. Secure your office space.
- If time permits, bring personal items with you (i.e., laptop, medications, purse, etc.).
- Evacuate the building using the closest safe emergency exit.
- Once outside, go to your building meeting site and await further instructions.
- Identify any missing people and let emergency personnel know.
Severe Weather
- Go to an interior hallway or small room on the lowest level of the building. Put as many walls between you and the outside as possible.
- Sit on your knees and place your hands over your head and neck.
- Remain in the building until the “all clear” is issued.
Hazardous Materials
- Go to an interior hallway or small room. Put as many walls between you and the outside as possible.
- Close windows.
- Turn off HVAC systems.
Civil Disturbance or Demonstrations
Most campus demonstrations such as marches, meetings, picketing, and rallies will be peaceful and non-obstructive. A student demonstration should not be disrupted unless one or more of the following conditions exists as a result of the demonstration:
- INTERFERENCE with normal college operations.
- PREVENTION of access to college offices, buildings, or other facilities.
- THREAT of physical harm to persons or damage to facilities. If this occurs, call 911.
Media Inquiries
Do not attempt to answer media questions about campus emergencies, either in person or by phone. Refer news media to the Office of Strategic Communications, 717-948-4367.