Locate University Police and Public Safety on the campus map
In an emergency dial 911 from all campus phones. This will put you in contact with the Dauphin County Emergency Communications Center. Let the operator know that you are calling from the Penn State Harrisburg Campus and follow their instructions. They will dispatch the University Police and other emergency resources to your location.
In case of fire, residents should evacuate and call 911.
Emergency Phones
Emergency phones are located throughout campus. They can be mounted on poles (topped by a blue light) or wall-mounted in elevators and hallways as a callbox.
There is no dialing or number keypad.
To activate the phone:
- Pick up the receiver.
- Press the red button (some do not have red buttons and will activate immediately after picking up the receiver).
- The call will be answered by the Dauphin County 911 Emergency Dispatch Center.
These phones are to be used only in case of an emergency.
AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Locations
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) devices are located throughout the campus.
Local Hospitals
- Harrisburg Hospital — S. Front Street, Harrisburg (717) 782 3131
- Hershey Medical Center — 500 University Drive, Hershey (717) 531 8521
- Polyclinic Medical Center — 2601 N. Third Street, Harrisburg (717) 782 4141
Non-Emergency Number
In the evenings and on weekends, there may not be office coverage. Call the non-emergency number, 717-948-6232, to leave a message. The duty officer will respond when they are able.
You may also call the Dauphin County Dispatch non-emergency line, 717-558-6900, which will connect you with an officer.