Curricular Links from the University Faculty Senate
- University Faculty Senate Curricular Information - This link offers resources and information about the curricular process, including consultation, IUG programs, and curriculum reports.
- University Faculty Senate Guide to Curricular Procedures - This page contains everything you need to know about undergraduate program and course proposals, associate degree curriculum, the Graduate School policies, the College of Medicine, and Dickinson Law.
- University Curricular Deadlines
- Curriculum Archive
Links for CourseLeaf Curriculum Inventory Management System (CIM)
- Course Management Users Guide – Step-by step instructions on how to submit proposals to add a new course, edit and existing course, or drop a course in CIM.
- Course Management Submission – Use this program for undergraduate or graduate courses.
- Program Management Users Guide – Step-by-step instruction on how to submit proposals to add a new program, edit an existing program, or drop a program in CIM.
- Program Management Submission – Use this program for undergraduate or graduate programs, as well as certificate programs
- Prospectus Management Submission - Prospectus requests are required to be approved before a program proposal is submitted. A prospectus is required for all undergraduate program proposals. For graduate program proposals, a prospectus is only required for new graduate programs or extending and existing graduate program to online delivery. Faculty should contact Stephanie Ponnett at [email protected] to submit a prospectus (must have approval from the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs).
CourseLeaf CIM Ecosystem shows courses, program, and pages from the University Bulletins that are related to the course being viewed, and Bulletin pages that publish the program being reviewed. When proposing to change or drop a course, reviewing the information presented in the Ecosystem will help you building your consultation list.
Graduate Council Curriculum Policies
- Graduate Program and Curriculum Policies
- Graduate Program Proposal Procedures
- Developing Graduate Program Proposals
- See above regarding CourseLeaf CIM
IUG (Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate) Links
- Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) Degree Programs
- Developing an IUG Program
To create an IUG in CIM, you will need to enter two proposals – an undergraduate and a graduate. They can be developed at the same time, however undergraduate proposals will not be reviewed by the University Senate Subcommittee until after the graduate proposal is approved. It is recommended that the prospectus be submitted after submitting the graduate proposal for review.
Useful Forms