- For a program change, what is the “Admissions Analysis Form” asking? There are distinct columns, but I did not find what was being asked at all intuitive.
- This is a form to indicate who can apply to the program, according to their current program level and credits earned. Please see the Knowledge Base article "Admissions Analysis Form" for an example.
- This is a form to indicate who can apply to the program, according to their current program level and credits earned. Please see the Knowledge Base article "Admissions Analysis Form" for an example.
- For course adds, how is the course number determined? Is there anyone with whom a new course proposer needs to check for a number?
- Please refer to the University Bulletin to review the list of courses and the numbers that are already taken. Information regarding the course numbering system can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
- Please refer to the University Bulletin to review the list of courses and the numbers that are already taken. Information regarding the course numbering system can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
- For a course proposal on the “Course Information” screen, how do I know when a course is “Repeatable” or not?
- That is determined by the faculty member creating the course. Can the course be offered more than one time for the student to receive credit? Special topics, foreign studies, research projects, internships and independent studies can typically be taken more than one time.
- That is determined by the faculty member creating the course. Can the course be offered more than one time for the student to receive credit? Special topics, foreign studies, research projects, internships and independent studies can typically be taken more than one time.
- For a course proposal on the “Additional Course Information” screen, what is the intended difference between “concurrent” and “corequisite” courses?
- Prerequisites are courses or other requirements that must be completed prior to the start of a given course. Concurrent Courses are similar to prerequisites except that they may be taken prior to, or in the same semester as, the given course/ Co-requisite Courses are pairs of courses required to be taken together in the same semester.
- Prerequisites are courses or other requirements that must be completed prior to the start of a given course. Concurrent Courses are similar to prerequisites except that they may be taken prior to, or in the same semester as, the given course/ Co-requisite Courses are pairs of courses required to be taken together in the same semester.
- For a course proposal on the “Additional Course Information” screen, what is the logic behind building a requisite course & connector chain? It took me a few tries to understand the proper sequence of selections.
- If there is more than one requisite, or more than one course can fill the requisite, the connector can show "and/or."
- If there is more than one requisite, or more than one course can fill the requisite, the connector can show "and/or."
- For a course proposal on the “Course Justification” page, what is the necessary difference between “Relationship/Linkage of Course to Other Courses” and “Relationship of Course to Major, Option, Minor, or General Education?”
- Relationship/Linkage to other courses refers to how the proposed course fits with other existing courses. Is it a planned prerequisite for other courses? A co-requisite? How does the material it covers fit in with other classes (is a continuation of material from another class, for example)? Relationship to major/option/minor/gen ed refers to how the course fits into the program. Is it a required course? An elective course? Can it be counted as a gen ed course for this program or other programs?