Penn State Harrisburg has wall-mounted, free-standing, and pole-mounted display boards for advertising college-wide events and activities. The displays permit events to be advertised professionally and consistently. With the availability of these displays, the use of individual wooden and metal easels is not permitted in hallways and lobbies. This also addresses safety concerns that arise from easels placed in high traffic areas.
General Information
- The Office of Student Life will post posters/flyers/announcements in a timely manner, dependent on staff and student worker schedules.
- Due to space limitations, posters/flyers/announcements may not be located on every General Announcement display and/or bulletin board.
- Flyers, advertisements, announcements, etc. are not permitted to be taped to windows, doors, or walls for any reason.
- Banners are only permitted to be hung by the Office of Physical Plant (OPP) in pre-approved locations. To arrange for a banner to be hung, the OPP work order form must be completed.
- Banners are not permitted to impede the pedestrian traffic in halls and lobby areas and may not cover doors.
Pole-Mounted and Free Standing Display Boards
- Maximum poster size is 8 1/2" x 11”.
- Posters/flyers/advertisements must be approved by the Office of Student Life (112 SEC). All posters will be placed on the boards and removed by the Office of student Life.
- Posters/flyers/advertisements without an approval stamp will be removed.
- Posters/flyers/advertisements will be not be posted if the event is within 48 hours of being received by the Office of Student Life.
Wall-Mounted Bulletin Boards
- Maximum poster size is 11”x17”.
- Posters/flyers/advertisements must be approved by the Office of Student Life (112 SEC). All posters will be placed and removed by the Office of Student Life.
- Posters/flyers/advertisements without an approval stamp will be removed from the boards.
- Posters/flyers/advertisements will be not be posted if the event is within 48 hours of being received by the Office of Student Life.
Specialty Bulletin Boards
- All display boards include headers, produced by the Marketing and Communications Office, to designate the types of announcements that are included on them.
- A board specifically for future course offerings and general awareness announcements (i.e., study abroad opportunities, etc.) is located on the second floor Olmsted Building (west wing, immediately off the lobby) and on the second floor of the SEC. This will be the only places such flyers will be posted.
- Any flyers/advertisements regarding jobs available, companies looking to recruit and/or hire, etc. should be directed to Career Services, which will update designated boards with these flyers/advertisements.
- Certain boards are designated for special postings such as For Sale; For Rent; Wanted; and OffCampus Events and Announcements.