Summary of Research Development Funding Opportunities
(updated April 2022)
The Office of Research and Outreach (ORO) has embarked on a multi-year investment program to stimulate increased sponsored research and creative activity at our college. This effort includes five competitive seed funding programs for faculty. Seed funds are competitively awarded to faculty via three synchronized annual competitions for all five programs. All proposals are peer reviewed, and funding decisions are generally announced within 60 days of the submission dates. The five individual programs are summarized below and additional details including the requests for proposals (RFPs) are available on the relevant pages on this website.
Exploration and Analysis Grants for Expanded Research (EAGER)
The EAGER program supports faculty efforts to develop and submit proposals for external research funding. Award amounts may range from $1,000 to $15,000. EAGER funds may support course release, summer salaries, student wages, travel, and other costs. Leveraged funding from schools or other sources in EAGER proposal budgets is encouraged.
Graduate Research Experience and Training (GREAT)
A partnership of the ORO and the Office of Graduate Studies, GREAT provides up to two years of funding for Graduate Research Assistantships (GRAs) to enable faculty members to execute sponsored research programs and pursue external research funding opportunities. Annual GREAT awards are limited to $30,000 or two-thirds of the total project cost. Proposal budgets must include sufficient leveraged funding to ensure full academic year tuition and stipend for each GRA.
Research Experience for Undergraduates at Harrisburg (REU@Harrisburg)
The REU@Harrisburg program provides up to two years of funding to support undergraduate students who will assist faculty members execute sponsored research programs and pursue external research funding opportunities. Annual REU@Harrisburg awards are limited to $10,000 or two-thirds of the total project cost.
Research Enterprise Development Team (RED Team)
The RED Team program provides up to three years of funding to support full-time non-tenure line research scientists or technicians who will assist faculty members execute sponsored research programs and pursue external research funding opportunities. Annual GREAT awards are limited to $60,000 or two-thirds of the total project cost. Proposal budgets must include sufficient leveraged funding to ensure full calendar year salary and fringe benefits for each RED Team position.
Specialized Presentations to Enhance Awareness and Knowledge (SPEAK)
The SPEAK program supports visits to our college by scholars addressing salient interdisciplinary topics of interest. Award amounts may range from $1,000 to $5,000. Leveraged funding from schools or other sources in SPEAK proposal budgets is encouraged.
In addition to the above competitive seed funding programs, ORO funding is also available to support course release for faculty members who are Principal Investigators on major external research grants. Faculty members who meet this criterion should discuss this opportunity with their school director. ORO funding will be made available for course release for eligible faculty members on a case-by-case-basis in consultation with school directors, over and above any course release that may be supported through external grants.