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New data shows how opioid crisis affects Pennsylvanians

New data from the Center for Survey Research at Penn State Harrisburg illustrates Pennsylvanians' views on the state’s opioid crisis. Utilizing responses from Pennsylvania adults from the center’s Lion Poll conducted in fall 2018, the data shows that half of Pennsylvanians know someone who has been addicted to opioids. Younger adults were more likely to know someone who has been addicted to opioids.
Elizabeth Gutman

Student takes on food insecurity, creates 'A Nourished Community' website

Elizabeth Gutman, a master's student in health education at Penn State Harrisburg, is tackling the issue of food insecurity with her website "A Nourished Community," a resource dedicated to making access to affordable, healthy food, a reality. With this website, Gutman hopes to make a lasting impact on Penn State Harrisburg and local communities that are facing food insecurity.

Author Diane Ravitch to speak at Penn State Harrisburg on April 25

Penn State Harrisburg will host Diane Ravitch, New York Times-bestselling author of “Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools,” to discuss her book and issues related to the privatization of public schools, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, in the Student Enrichment Center Mukund S. Kulkarni Theatre.