Kulkarni Theatre Facility Use

Is Your Event Internal or External?
All organizations, companies, individuals, or Penn State Harrisburg departments, offices, or colleges interested in using the Kulkarni Theatre.
All registered Penn State University - Harrisburg student organizations or clubs interested in using the Kulkarni Theatre facility for any program, activity, organized gathering, etc.


Please use the 25Live Event Calendar to submit your event 


Event Details
Note: We ask that guests exit the building no more than 60 minutes after the event end time. If your event needs extra time, please make a note of that in the additional comments section below. Events that occur outside of regular business hours may incur a security fee.
Upload requirements
Do you have an alternative date(s)
Alternate Dates
Please select alternate date (up to 3)
Will any type of admission/registration fee be collected?
Note: If your event is open to the public, it must be ticketed (regardless of price) through the Kulkarni Theatre Ticket Office. Costs and fees will be charged to your organization.
Technical/setup requests (select all that apply): Please include specifics in the additional comments field.
Upload requirements
Will any unaccompanied minors be present?
Note: If minors are involved in the event, you and/or your organization must comply with AD39 Minors Involved in University-Sponsored Programs or Programs Held at the University and/or Housed in University Facilities https://policy.psu.edu/policies/ad39
Contact Information
Contact person for the event
Discounts and Fee Waivers
Is the organization a government agency, or does the organization hold 501(c)(3) non-profit status?
Are you seeking a non-profit discount?

External organizations or individuals that use Penn State Harrisburg facilities must fully compensate the University for all costs incurred or provide nonmonetary considerations that directly support the mission of the University. For more information, please click Philanthropic Use of University Facilities Policy.

Note: Organizations requesting a facility fee waiver must either be a government agency or hold 501(c)(3) non-profit status, AND must directly contribute to one or both of the following missions of Penn State Harrisburg:

  • The education of Penn State Harrisburg students
  • The economic development of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Are you seeking a rental fee waiver?
Note: A fee waiver, if granted, may forgive all or part of the facility rental fees. This will NOT apply to direct costs (such as labor and equipment).
Note: If the non-profit organization involved does not qualify for a fee waiver, you may still seek a 30% discount of the facility rental fees. This will NOT apply to direct costs (such as labor and equipment).
Next steps
  • An event coordinator will contact you.
  • If a date is agreed upon, we will place it on hold and generate an estimate of costs.
  • If you accept the estimate, the date will be confirmed and we will send you a facility-use agreement.