In November 2018, Penn State Harrisburg Student Government Association President Justin Jones developed “It’s Bigger Than You,” a student-led service initiative that challenges student clubs and organizations on Penn State campuses to perform at least one community service event every month for the remainder of the academic year.
The Penn State Harrisburg Student Government Association will host a 5K charity run, “It’s Bigger Than You: The 5K – A Run for a Purpose,” from 2 to 3 p.m. on Sunday April 7, on campus. Proceeds will go to the WE cARE food pantry and No Kid Hungry.
Members of the Penn State Harrisburg Student Government Association and the Latino Club, along with staff from the Penn State Harrisburg Office of Student Engagement, built a home with Habitat for Humanity.
From left, Penn State Harrisburg Student Government Association President Justin Jones, SGA Senate Leader Riley Cagle, and SGA Senator Roman Best volunteer at the campus' We Care food pantry.
Martin Reeves, a senior partner and the managing director of Boston Consulting Group’s New York office, spoke March 12 at Penn State Harrisburg as part of the campus' PNC Thought Leaders Lecture Series.
As Penn State University Libraries launches into its third University-wide Libraries Short Stories writing contest, previous Penn State authors’ winning works now have twice the potential to be printed and read across Pennsylvania, with the University Libraries’ installation of new Short Edition story dispensers at five of its Commonwealth Campus libraries.
At Penn State Harrisburg, the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Office of Student Life and Intercultural Programs are collaborating to encourage college participation at Advocate Penn State Capital Day on March 20.
Ethan Munoz uses Nintento Labo for the first time at THON 2019. Teaching and Learning Technology and the THON Engagement and Empowerment Network (TEENetwork) helped kids experience emerging education technology during THON weekend.
"I wanted the scholarship recipient to be a future Penn Stater because I have a lot of love and passion for the school I go to," Christian said. "I love to promote Penn State to high school students whenever I get a chance to."