MIDDLETOWN, Pa. – Penn State Harrisburg will celebrate Black History Month with several events throughout February.
This list will be updated as events are added.
Feb. 2, at 6 p.m., Oliver LaGrone Cultural Arts Center, Olmsted W132 – "Reclaiming My Blackness" – Spoken-word artists from Washington, D.C., Delaware and Maryland will provide breathtaking performances on the importance of empowering Blackness. This free event is presented by Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Feb. 7, at 5 to 6:30 p.m., Living Room, Student Enrichment Center (SEC) – "Critical Race Theory: Politics, Pedagogy, and Possibilities," a Fireside Chat with Dr. Wanda Knight, associate dean for diversity, equity and inclusion, will include an open forum with Knight and members of the Harrisburg campus community.
Feb. 9, at 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Mukund S. Kulkarni Theatre, SEC – Penn State Laureate Velvet Brown presents MOJATUBA, which brings solo tuba, dancers, piano, voice, and percussion to the stage in celebration of African Diaspora. The diverse ethnic theme of the program, especially its African influenced music and dance, contributes to the creation of a soulful energy that connects performers and audience. This free event is presented by the School of Humanities.
Feb. 13, at 6:30 to 8 p.m., Gallery Lounge, Olmsted W107 – Black History: Divine Nine Greek Panel – Community members of the Divine Nine (fraternities and sororities) will be on-campus for a panel to discuss the historical context of Black Greek Letter Organizations and the importance of community. This free event is presented by Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Feb. 16, at 7:30 p.m., Mukund S. Kulkarni Theatre, SEC – Campbell Brothers present Sacred Steel & Gospel, an evening of African American gospel music with electric pedal steel guitar and vocals. The tradition emerged from the House of God Keith Dominion Church, where for over sixty years it has been an integral part of worship and a vital, if little known, American tradition. Tickets available at harrisburg.psu.edu/boxoffice.
Feb. 21, at 7 p.m., Mukund S. Kulkarni Theatre, SEC – "Makin' Cake" – This show slices into American history exploring race, culture and class with a lively look at baking cakes. Using digital media, storytelling and a cast of two live bakers on stage, Dasha Kelly Hamilton gives us part history lesson and part social science revelation in a refreshing dialogue and conversation about equity in America. This free event is presented by the Diversity and Educational Equity Committee. Register at eventbrite.com/e/deec-presents-makin-cake-with-dasha-kelly-hamilton-tickets-489637277277.
Feb. 28, at 7 p.m., Mukund S. Kulkarni Theatre, SEC – “Soul Steps” – For over a century, step dancers have used their bodies as percussive instruments to create a new physical language that inspires, celebrates and forges community. Soul Steps brings this explosive art form to the stage in a high-energy performance that combines percussive movement, hip-hop rhythms, and call and response. This free event is presented by Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Register at eventbrite.com/e/soul-steps-tickets-507795268317.