HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Penn State Harrisburg School of Public Affairs has announced two new scholarships.
“The School of Public Affairs is pleased to announce these new scholarships that will provide additional assistance to students transferring from community colleges, as well as those enrolling in our master’s programs,” said Patria de Lancer Julnes, director of the school.
Beginning fall 2018, students transferring from community colleges to the School of Public Affairs to complete their undergraduate studies in any major in the school will be eligible for a one time merit-based scholarship.
Currently, students transferring from community colleges to complete their studies at a Penn State University Commonwealth Campus on a full-time or part-time basis and who carry a minimum of six credits per semester, qualify for a transfer scholarship of $1,000 per year for two years.
The new School of Public Affairs scholarship will award up to an additional $1,500 for one academic year. The school offers undergraduate studies in criminal justice, health administration, political science, and public policy.
To be eligible for the additional scholarship award, the student must be in resident instruction at Penn State Harrisburg and a new incoming undergraduate student in a School of Public Affairs major. The student must also be transferring from a community college and have a minimum incoming GPA of 3.0 or above.
The scholarship will provide $1,000 for part-time students and $1,500 for full-time students. A student must be enrolled for a minimum of six credits to receive the award.
In order for the student to receive the award for the second semester, they must be active in a discipline specific club or have completed a community service activity that has been approved by the faculty.
For more information, contact the Penn State Harrisburg Office of Admissions at 717-948-6250.
Also beginning fall 2018, highly qualified graduate students planning to enroll in the School of Public Affairs will be eligible to apply for competitive one-time awards of up to $2,000, thanks to the school’s plan to directly match the college’s Chancellor Award for Graduate Students.
The award provides recognition and financial assistance to the top 100 highly qualified graduate students planning to enroll at the college. The amount of the Chancellor’s Award is $1,000 per year, awarded as $500 per semester.
The School of Public Affairs will then match the Chancellor’s Award and eligible students who are enrolled in the master’s programs for criminal justice, health administration, and public administration will receive an additional $1,000 scholarship.
Each scholarship will be awarded for one academic year.
Applicants are automatically considered for the award once admitted to Penn State Harrisburg, and must be new graduate students who are planning to enroll part time or full time in resident instruction at Penn State Harrisburg.
Details on the Chancellor's Award for Graduate Students can be found here. For more information on the School of Public Affairs’ match, contact Sara Wiberg at 717-948- 6648 or [email protected].
Information on all scholarships offered by the School of Public Affairs can be found at https://harrisburg.psu.edu/public-affairs/scholarships.