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Humphrey Fellow finds an American Studies home at Penn State Harrisburg

One of 14 Humphrey Fellows visiting Penn State this year has found a wealth of educational and cultural opportunities at Penn State Harrisburg.

The Humphrey Fellowship Program is a U.S.-funded one-year opportunity offering academic and professional development to mid-career professionals from foreign nations. This year, Hoa Thi Thanh Li from Vietnam is one of the Fellows visiting Penn State in the program housed in its College of Education.

Marc Lamont Hill

Heard on campus – Marc Lamont Hill

Marc Lamont Hill has a message for the Hip-Hop Generation – think, act, love, and be brave.

Considered one of America’s youngest members of the growing body of “Hip-Hop Intellectuals,” Hill brought his message of hope and deep reflection to the Morrison Gallery in the Penn State Harrisburg library Tuesday, Feb. 24.

Events celebrate Women’s History Month

Four Penn State Harrisburg departments and organizations are partnering to present a slate of campus events celebrating Women’s History Month in March.

Sponsored by the Commission for Women, Campus Life and Intercultural Affairs, Alumni Relations, and the Lion Ambassadors, the events include:

Ministers Conference

Ministers Conference honors Penn State Harrisburg

Penn State Harrisburg Continuing Education’s success in developing leadership training for the region’s professionals has earned a pair of awards from the Interdenominational Ministers Conference (IMC).

The IMC has announced the college and Acting Continuing Education Director Erin Shannon are the recipients of its Service Award for their roles in the successful launch of the Harrisburg Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Development Institute.

Researchers find a simple camera enhances preschool learning

Three Penn State Harrisburg faculty researchers have proven an educational program built around a simple disposable camera enhances learning for both children and teachers in preschool settings.

The camera-based project is an outgrowth of a just-completed two-year research study undertaken by the faculty members when a local preschool reached out to the School of Behavioral Sciences and Education for help facilitate language acquisition in their English language learners.

Rev. Dr. Millicent Hunter

Diversity lecture series features Rev. Dr. Millicent Hunter

The Rev. Dr. Millicent Hunter knows personally that success is built many times in small steps.

In 1992, she started The Baptist Worship Center in a row house in West Philadelphia with just five members. That ministry has now grown to a congregation of more than 4,000 and Hunter has gone on to become an award-winning author and world-wide religious leader.