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Students examine sustainability during spring break in Germany

Some Penn State Harrisburg students used their spring break to visit Germany, where they got to see the inside of a windmill, a Mercedes Benz factory run mostly by robots, solar arrays “as far as the eye can see,” according to their professor, and a country that takes sustainability very seriously.
Students Building Race Car

Students build a car and their résumés en route to first competition

In their spare time, a group of engineering students in the School of Science, Engineering, and Technology at Penn State Harrisburg decided to build a race car from scratch, on their own, with no background on how to do it. That was in the spring of 2015. This May, they took their vehicle to Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, Michigan, to compete with 120 other college teams.
Students pose for camera after conference presentation

Students tap into technology to share research work

With the help of Penn State Media Commons, sophomore and junior teacher education students at Penn State Harrisburg spent most of the fall 2016 semester creating multimedia projects based on research into how pre-service teachers grapple with diversity issues in K-12 classrooms.
Students pose for camera after conference presentation.

Harrisburg students at conference

Pictured are Martha Strickland’s students after their presentation at the 19th annual Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association of Multicultural Education conference. From left to right are Shuhang Liu, Abigail O’Reilly, Luke Mummau, and Kim Stielper. 

Students pose for camera after conference presentation.

Harrisburg students at conference

Pictured are Dr. Martha Strickland’s students after they give their presentation at the conference. From left to right are Shuhang Liu, Abigail O’Reilly, Luke Mummau, and Kim Stielper. 

Naseem Zomordi

Penn State Harrisburg honors student receives fellowship

Naseem Zomordi, a 2017 Penn State Harrisburg graduate, has received the Penn State’s John W. White Graduate Fellowship, which recognizes outstanding undergraduate students who are graduating with highest distinction and who plan to enroll in graduate study.