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Douds and Ahlin book examines correctional policies

Anne Douds, lecturer in criminal justice, and Eileen Ahlin, assistant professor of criminal justice, both at Penn State Harrisburg, have recently had their book, “Rethinking America’s Correctional Policies: Commonsense Choices from Uncommon Voices,” published by Lexington Books.
Simon Bronner

Simon Bronner-desk shot

Simon Bronner, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of American Studies and Folklore and founding director of the Center for Pennsylvania Culture Studies at Penn State Harrisburg.

Amish quilts

Not just the Amish

From the Christmas tree to hex signs, the Easter bunny to Groundhog Day, Pennsylvania Germans, have had a profound effect on American culture. Among the earliest American settlers, they still abide as an American folk group. Penn State folklorist and historian Simon Bronner recently spoke with us about current directions in the study of this distinctive culture.