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Drug Take Back Bin located in Eisenhower police station

Drug Take Back Bin

A secure bin, located in the University Park police station at 30 Eisenhower Parking Deck, offers a safe, convenient and responsible way to dispose of old medications. University Police offers this anonymous take-back service 24/7.

Elizabeth Gutman

Student takes on food insecurity, creates 'A Nourished Community' website

Elizabeth Gutman, a master's student in health education at Penn State Harrisburg, is tackling the issue of food insecurity with her website "A Nourished Community," a resource dedicated to making access to affordable, healthy food, a reality. With this website, Gutman hopes to make a lasting impact on Penn State Harrisburg and local communities that are facing food insecurity.
students on stage receiving their awards

Liz and Kelly receiving recognition awards

Liz Brandt receives the Patrick J. Rose Award for Excellence in Student Leadership and Service from Matt Nied, assistant director of student services and engagement. At right, Nied presents Kelly Arnold with the Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award.