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Mid-day Madness kicks off seasons

Mid-Day Madness came to campus October 15 as the men's and women's basketball teams celebrated the return of varsity intercollegiate competition to the college.

Madlyn and Michael Hanes Fund Trustee Scholarship

Dr. Madlyn L. Hanes, Penn State Harrisburg's Chancellor from 2000-2010, and her husband, Dr. Michael Hanes, have established a Trustee Matching Scholarship at the college, following other donors who have made financial commitments toward creating these unique scholarships which aid needy students.

Dedication of Ziegler Commons

Richard Ziegler's generosity has not only provided an impressive enhancement to the Penn State Harrisburg campus, it has created a new model of giving for the entire University to consider.

When Ziegler Commons adjacent to Olmsted Building was dedicated in August, it marked the first time in the history of Penn State that a donor was the builder of the project being donated.

The Robert Lesniak scholarship

A scholarship was organized in 2001 to honor Dr. Robert Lesniak for his 31 years of dedication to the students and educational programs. Currently, an additional $1,500 is needed to complete and award the scholarship. Once the fund is complete, the scholarship will be awarded annually to a needy graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in education programs in the School of Behavioral Sciences and Education.

College expresses gratitude to Gerald N. Hall Sr.

Since 1990, Gerald N. Hall Sr. and the Hall Foundation, have been providing scholarships each year to deserving students at Penn State Harrisburg.

In 2004, that commitment was greatly expanded when Hall and the foundation founded by his father created the Gerald N. Hall Jr. Trustee Matching Scholarship in honor of his son.