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University Health Services urges precautions against monkeypox

Penn State University Health Services (UHS) is encouraging students to protect themselves against monkeypox in light of cases in Pennsylvania and nationally. Monkeypox is a viral infection primarily spread through prolonged close contact. It is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI), and anybody can be at risk, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Woman out of focus in background looking at a closeup of a sample

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Olivia Lowe, mechanical engineering student, examines an Eulectella Aspergillum marine sponge, searching for spicules to be evaluated by a scanning electron microscope.

A man and a woman measuring samples in the lab

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Fariborz Tavangarian, associate professor of mechanical engineering, and Olivia Lowe, mechanical engineering student, perform a dog-bone sample test (a materials science test involving samples shaped like dog bones, not actually made of bone) to use the data for simulation in the Materials Lab Room 119 in North Educational Activities Building at Penn State Harrisburg.

A man and a woman measuring samples in the lab

Centralized facilities power early CAREER researcher’s biomaterial work

The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) most prestigious award for early-career faculty, providing valuable financial support for a specific research project and recognizing that faculty’s potential as a leader in scientific research and a role model in education. Fariborz Tavangarian, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Penn State Harrisburg, is one such example, having landed a CAREER award this year. 
Words "Welcome Week" and cartoon Nittany Lion

Welcome Week events planned at Penn State Harrisburg

Penn State Harrisburg is planning several events to welcome students to campus for the fall semester. Extending through the first week of classes, Welcome Week activities are intended to welcome back returning students and help new students become engaged with campus life and the surrounding community.