Penn State Harrisburg offers a wide variety of courses that focus on, or include, issues related to the Holocaust. Some are offered every semester, while others vary from year to year, or by instructor:
CMLIT 128N, The Holocaust in Film and Literature (GH/IL) (offered every fall)
This class studies how art, literature, film, and other media can help us to gain a perspective on the Holocaust. -
HIST 144, The World at War, 1939-1945 (GH, IL) (offered every fall and spring)
Significant attention to racism and the Holocaust as aspects of the Second World War, particularly in German-ruled Europe, but also as manifested in other countries (e.g., anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union and the U.S., where it was an obstacle to Jewish immigration). -
HIST 121, History of the Holocaust (GH, IL) (offered every semester)
The basic Holocaust survey course. Students learn about the incremental steps taken by the Nazis to disenfranchise, ghettoize, and eventually exterminate the Jews of Europe (1933-45).