Campus Directory | Staff

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Marcela Service Manzo [email protected]
Assistant Director, John Crain Kunkel Career Center
Student Enrichment Center, 212 717 948 6260
Katherine Martin [email protected]
Development Assistant, Development and Alumni Relations
W110 Olmsted Building 717 948 6119
Kim L. Matinchek [email protected]
Operator, Copy Center
Olmsted Building W-9 717 948 6221
Paula Maynard [email protected]
Campus Registrar, Office of the Registrar
Swatara Building 717 948 6020
Alan E. Mays [email protected]
IT Support Specialist, Library
Library And Classroom, 0110 717 948 6593
Sandra E. McBride [email protected]
Program Coordinator, Career Studies, Continuing Education
Olmsted, W331Q 717 948 6656
Polli E. McCartney [email protected]
Vehicle Registration Coordinator, Vehicle Registration
Maintenance and Operations 717 948 6006
Kyle A. McDonald [email protected]
Admissions Officer, Multicultural Recruitment and Community Affairs
Swatara Building, 130 717 948 6030
Casey M. McDowell [email protected]
Academic Program Coordinator, School of Science and Engineering and Technology
Olmsted building, W239 717 948 6116
Megan McGee Yinger [email protected]
Academic Adviser, Lambert Undergraduate Advising Center
Student Enrichement Center, 204 717 948 6604
Glenn S. McGuigan, Ph.D. [email protected]
Library Director and Head Librarian, Penn State Harrisburg
Affiliated Graduate Faculty of Public Administration, School of Public Affairs
717 948 6078
Gerard Mclaughlin [email protected]
Services Manager, Housing & Food Services
717 948 6241
Julie McNamara [email protected]
Catering Worker, Housing and Food Services
717 948 6241
Larry Meehan [email protected]
Research Technologist, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Educational Activities Building, 207 717 948 6293
Daniel Mercado, M.S. [email protected]
Director, Academic Support and Advising Services
Student Enrichment Center, 204 717 948 6604
Craig A. Merkey [email protected]
Associate Director, Recreation
717 948 6664
Larry K. Meyers [email protected]
Data Analyst, The Pennsylvania State Data Center
Church Hall, 0000 717 948 6096
Jayne A. Miller [email protected]
Administrative Support Coordinator, Admissions
Swatara Building, 0003 717 948 6250
Ronald E. Miller [email protected]
Maintenance Operations, Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations
Maintenance & Oper Bld
Keith S. Mills [email protected]
Mail Operations, Physical Plant and Maintenance Operations
Maintenance & Oper Bld 717 948 6005