Penn State Harrisburg
351 Olmsted Dr.
Middletown, PA 17057
My goal as the library director and head librarian of the Madlyn L. Hanes Library at Penn State Harrisburg is to work to build strong connections between the library and its constituents through fostering information literacy.
Penn State Harrisburg’s Hanes Library, a part of the Penn State University Libraries, is an outwardly facing organization with a strong focus on student success. Faculty and staff members of the Hanes Library strive to provide the highest level of service to the students, faculty, and staff of the College, the University, and to members of our local community. The strategic plan of the library states that the library’s mission is to contribute “to the teaching, learning, research, and service successes of the Capital College and surrounding communities by providing a welcoming facility, resources that are relevant and accessible, programs that inspire life-long learning, and employees who demonstrate a commitment to excellence and respect for others.” I believe that we are working enthusiastically and conscientiously to fulfill this mission.
I look forward to contributing to the mission and goals of Penn State through my work
External Academic Profiles
Research Interests
Library collection management and scholarly publishing.
Social network analyses of scholarly citations in public administration.
Professionalism in academic librarianship.
Selected recent publications. For a full list of publications, please refer to the CV linked under the Bio tab.
McGuigan, G.S., Morçöl, G. & Grosser, T. A social network analysis of academic journals in public administration in the early twenty-first century: examining journal level bibliometrics with network analysis. Scientometrics, 128, 6561–6588 (2023).
McGuigan, G. S., Morcol, G., & Grosser, T. Using ego-network analyses to examine journal citations: a comparative study of public administration, political science, and business management. Scientometrics, 2021. DOI:
McGuigan, G. S. The Transformation of the U.S. Government Publishing Office: A Strategic Analysis from an Intergovernmental Perspective. Library Philosophy and Practice. Paper 1466, Winter, 2016. Available online:
McGuigan, Glenn S. The NIH Public Access Policy and Federally Funded Research: An Analysis of Problem Recognition and Agenda Setting. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 41, Number 1, 54-60, 2015.
McGuigan, Glenn S. Hateful metrics and the Bitterest Pill of Scholarly Publishing. Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation, Volume 31, Number 3, 249-256, 2013. DOI: 10.1080/08109028.2014.891711 (Invited)
McGuigan, Glenn S. “Addressing Change in Academic Libraries: A Review of Classical Organizational Theory and Implications for Academic Libraries.” Library Philosophy and Practice, Paper 775, July 2012. Available online:
McGuigan, Glenn S. “Crisis of Professionalism in Public Services: Addressing Challenges to Librarianship from a Public Administration Perspective.” Library Review, Volume 60, Number 7, p. 560-574, August 2011. (Article chosen as a “Highly Commended Award Winner” at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2011).
Ph.D. (Penn State)
M.B.A. (Penn State)
B.A., M.L.S. (Pittsburgh)