Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
AB Shafaye, M.S. [email protected]
Assistant Director, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Associate Teaching Professor of Electrical Engineering, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
ABET Coordinator, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Internship Coordinator, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Olmsted Building, W256a 717 948 6349
Jennifer Shaffer [email protected]
Residential Education Specialist, Student Affairs
717 948 6599
Melissa Shetter
Harold B. Shill, Ph.D. [email protected]
Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Public Policy, School of Public Affairs
Neil Shook [email protected]
Research Data Analyst, Institute of State and Regional Affairs
717 948 6756
Jerry F. Shoup, Ph.D. [email protected]
Associate Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Clark Showalter [email protected]
Facilities Supervisor, Office of Physical Plant
717 948 6235
Doug G. Shreffler [email protected]
Multimedia Specialist, Information Technology Services
Olmsted Building, E302 717 948 6220
Alison Shuler [email protected]
Proposal and Award Generalist, Bursar's Office
Olmsted Building, 101C 717 948 6394
Jennifer J. Shultz, B.S. [email protected]
Director, The Pennsylvania State Data Center
717 772 2710
Ilya Shvartsman, Ph.D. [email protected]
Professor of Mathematical Sciences, School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
Olmsted Building, W255p 717 948 6621
Sharon Siegfried [email protected]
Visual Communications Manager, Marketing and Communications
Olmsted Building, W101 717 948 6537
Marcella R. Siegler [email protected]
Administrative Support Assistant, Admissions
717 948 6250
Glenn L Silverstein, Ph.D. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor of Public Administration, School of Public Affairs
Olmsted Building, W157 717 948 6757
Barbara A. Sims, Ph.D. [email protected]
Professor Emerita of Criminal Justice, School of Public Affairs
Devon Singh [email protected]
Statistician, Center for Survey Research
Philip M. Sirinides, Ph.D. [email protected]
Director, Institute of State and Regional Affairs
W331-P Olmsted; 133 Church Hall 717 948 6174
Deb Smith
Jennifer Smith, Ph.D. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor of Criminal Justice, School of Public Affairs
Olmsted Building, W160 717 948 4325
Zachary Smith, Ph.D. [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor of Kinesiology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Education Activity Building, S216A 717 948 6620