JFK – New York City, NY to Penn State Harrisburg

Penn State Harrisburg is roughly 3 hours and 30 minutes drive from John F. Kennedy Intl Airport (JFK). Since it is long-distance travel, we do not provide pick-up/drop-off services; however, there are various ways you can make it to Penn State Harrisburg.

A. Fly to Middletown – Harrisburg Intl Airport (MDT)

If you fly to MDT, we will be able to provide you with a free ride to campus with the help of a Lyft code. We would highly recommend downloading the Lyft app and setting it up before landing in the United States if you want to use this method.

  • MDT services multiple flights from
    • American (Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia)
    • United (Chicago, EWR-New York)
    • Delta (Atlanta, Detroit)
    • Allegiant (Ft. Lauderdale, Ft. Myers, Jacksonville, Myrtle Beach, Nashville, Orlando, Sarasota, Tampa)
  • Note: These flights are subject to change at the discretion of the operating airline.
  • There are no direct flights to/from JFK Airport, so would recommend train, bus or Lyft/Uber.

B. Take the train to Middletown Amtrak Station (MID)

Amtrak is a train service operated by the U.S. government. There is a train station near campus and if you plan to arrive here, we will be able to provide you with a free ride to campus with the help of a Lyft code. We would highly recommend downloading the Lyft app and setting it up before landing in the United States if you want to use this method.

Visit Amtrak to buy train tickets. Furthermore, for students, Amtrak provides a discount on certain routes. Use promo code V814

MID services multiple trains from Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York – known as the Keystone Service. You would want to take the Keystone Service train going to Harrisburg. Middletown Station is right after Elizabethtown Station, and before Harrisburg Station.

If you are landing at JFK Airport, would recommend taking the Keystone Service train from Moynihan Train Hall/Penn Station (NYP) towards Harrisburg. 

To get to Moynihan Train Hall/Penn Station (NYP)

  • Train: you can take the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR). Follow signs to AirTrain and take the AirTrain to Jamaica. Once you reach Jamaica, follow signs to Long Island Rail Road. You would have to purchase your Long Island Rail Road ticket before you can board the train. You can buy it either from the MTA TrainTime app or the ticketing stations in Jamaica. Take any train that goes to Penn Station.
  • Lyft/Uber: Enter drop location as Moynihan Train Hall.

C. Take the bus to Harrisburg

Greyhound and Megabus are the two main bus companies that have buses operating from New York to Harrisburg. Contact the bus company for the pickup location. Greyhound is located next to the Harrisburg Amtrak Station. You can take a direct train from Harrisburg Amtrak Station to Middletown Amtrak Station and use the free Lyft ride to campus or take the daily bus going from Greyhound bus station to Harrisburg Intl Airport and use the free Lyft ride to campus.
NoteThese routes are subject to change at the discretion of the operating bus company.

D. Take Lyft/Uber to Penn State Harrisburg

Drivers generally offer rides from the airport to Penn State Harrisburg. Prices may change depending on what time you would be utilizing this facility. Search Penn State Harrisburg or 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA to reach campus. If possible, tip your drivers as they are driving a long distance!