Penn State Harrisburg will hold its annual Research Week April 18 through 20. The event celebrates the creative and scholarly accomplishments of faculty and students.
One event will feature a faculty seminar presented by Dr. Gina Brelsford, recipient of Penn State Harrisburg’s Excellence in Research and Scholarly Activity Award and associate professor of psychology in the School of Behavioral Sciences and Education, on Wednesday, April 18 at 2 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge on campus. Brelsford will discuss “Spiritual and Religious Coping and Parents’ Well-Being Post-Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Discharge: Spiritual Meaning-Making following Times of Distress."
The Research Week reception will be held on Wednesday, April 20 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Olmsted Building lobby. The reception will feature student research poster presentations; faculty and staff will be honored for creative accomplishments and books published; and faculty research and scholarship award recipients, 2017/18 new grant awardees, and 2017/18 Penn State Harrisburg seed grant awardees will be recognized.
Dr. Glen Mazis, Distinguished Professor of Humanities and Philosophy in the School of Humanities, will present “Research as a Wandering and Going Back as Well as Forward Progress,” on Thursday, April 19 at noon in the Gallery Lounge.
Honors thesis presentations will be held Thursday, April 19 from 1 to 3 p.m. and Friday, April 20 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the Olmsted Building Gallery Lounge.