Two competitions per year: Specific dates announced each year
- 1st deadline usually mid-late October; funding begins mid-January
- 2nd deadline mid-late March; funding begins early July
- Applicants will receive critiques for revision for unfunded proposals
- ALL full-time Capital College faculty are eligible, including pre-tenure, post-tenure, and FT faculty. However, if funds are limited, pre-tenure faculty will receive priority for funding.
- In most cases, additional funding will not be approved for ongoing projects, nor for several phases of the same project. Investigators are expected to use RCG funds to provide the basis for seeking external funding for completing their studies. This policy does NOT preclude subsequent applications for new projects and new ideas.
- Review Procedure: Proposals are rated by 3 members of the elected RCG Committee (5 point rating scale). **Proposals revised according to prior critique receive one half point improved score** in addition to likely improved overall rating!
- PSU Proposal Internal Review Form (see Lisa Murray)
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Table of Contents
Research Narrative (limited to 5 pages total)
- Background of Project (including a concise literature review)
- Specific Objectives
- Methodology (including statistical or other evaluation)
- Significance of the proposed work
- Bibliography
- Potential for further work
- Budget with Justification
Other Required Information
- Brief curriculum vitae (2-3 pages) of principal investigator and of co-investigators if included. List name, position, education, honors and awards, major professional accomplishments, and publications and presentations.
- List of prior and pending funding (agency, title, $ direct/$ indirect requested, funding period).
- Prior Research Council and Interdisciplinary Grant Awards: paragraph detailing the progress achieved and list of resulting presentations and publications.
- Concise plan for seeking extramural funding to continue the project. ** Applications without a concise plan to seek external funding will not be funded.**
- School Directors Evaluation/Endorsement
Special requirements for hardware/software requests
- Consult with IT and ensure that the hardware/software requested is compatible with their systems and that they will provide technical support. They should document this aspect in writing (e-mail would be OK) and the PI should attach a copy to the proposal.
- Please check to see whether any software is useful to other Penn State colleagues, including at least those at Capital College and UP. They could then share the cost of the site license.
- Inquire about acquiring a test version of any software to be sure it will do what you need and will function well in our system.