Program Goals and Objectives
- Goal 1: Understand Governmental Processes, Theories, & International Relations
- Objective 1.1: Understand Constitutional Foundations, Processes, Institutions, Non-Govt Actors
- Objective 1.2: Be Able to Compare Political Systems
- Objective 1.3: Understand Political Theory
- Objective 1.4: Knowledge of International Relations Concepts, Actors, Processes, Political Economy
- Objective 1.5: Knowledge of Policy Issues in
- Goal 2: Locate, Assess, Interpret and Communicate Political Information
- Objective 2.1: Write effectively
- Objective 2.2: Communicate Verbally and with Use of Technology
- Objective 2.3: Assess and Interpret Political Data and Events
- Objective 2.4: Define Research Problems and Develop Hypotheses
- Goal 3: Exercise Responsibilities of Citizenship in a Democratic Society
- Objective 3.1: Understand World, National and Regional Politics
- Objective 3.2: Demonstrate an Understanding of Democratic Values
- Objective 3.3: Recognize and Understand Opposing Viewpoints
- Goal 4: Apply Knowledge in Career Settings or Graduate/Professional Programs
- Objective 4.1: Perform Successfully in Internship Experiences