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Side by side headshot photos of Penn State Harrisburg graduate student Catherine Suria and Nikhil Menon, assistant professor of civil engineering

Transportation Project

Catherine Suria, left, Penn State Harrisburg graduate student, and Nikhil Menon, assistant professor of civil engineering, are studying transportation accessibility.

Three professional head-and-shoulders photos appear below the title Welcome New CTSI Core Service Directors. The Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute logo appears at the bottom.


Penn State CTSI welcomes new core service area directors. From left to right: Raffy R. Luquis, JEDI-B director; Deepa Sekhar, CERC co-director; Amy C. Arnold, TSF co-director.

Three professional head-and-shoulders photos appear below the title Welcome New CTSI Core Service Directors. The Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute logo appears at the bottom.

3 faculty accept director roles to advance clinical and translational research

Penn State CTSI offers research support, tools and resources, consultative services, funding, training and education across all Penn State campuses and for researchers at every stage of their learning and career. The CTSI welcomes new leadership in the following areas: Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging; Community-engaged Research; and the Translational Science Fellowship program core service areas.
Headshot photo of Ashley Cowger

Ashley Cowger

Ashley Cowger, associate teaching professor of English in Penn State Harrisburg’s School of Humanities, has published “On the Plus Side,” her second book of short stories.