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Sarita Lidle

Discovering Her History

Each spring, Penn State Harrisburg's international study tours take students on voyages around the globe. These tours provide students an opportunity to learn firsthand about different countries, going beyond the classroom to immerse students in a new culture.

For Sarita Lidle, a junior psychology major, the spring 2014 India study tour offered her even more – a once-in-a-lifetime chance to discover her roots.

College celebrates Martin Luther King Day with 17th annual play

In honor of the Martin Luther King national holiday, Penn State Harrisburg and PenOwl Productions will present the 17th annual MLK play in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King and his legacy of diversity and inclusion. This year’s original play is titled “Rizo,” Portuguese for laughter. The play centers on the life of Joseph Mendes, a Cape Verdean storyteller who shares folktales from the old country.

SET alumni celebrate at fall reunion

More than 180 alumni, current and former faculty and staff, and students from the Penn State Harrisburg School of Science, Engineering, and Technology gathered this fall for the school’s first alumni reunion and picnic.