Latest News

Dr. Felicia L. Brown-Haywood, 25-Year Service Chair and Dr. Mukund Kulkarni

Awards ceremony recognizes faculty and staff

Penn State Harrisburg recognized outstanding employee contributions at the 2016 Faculty and Staff Recognition Program on March 31. Nominated by the college community and selected by various award committees, several faculty and staff members received awards. 

Award recipients included:


Prepare for 2016 spring commencement

Graduating students, you’ve made it this far, now make sure you’re ready for commencement!

The Penn State Harrisburg spring 2016 ceremony will take place Sunday, May 8 at 9:30 a.m. at the Giant Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Don’t forget to:

Roses and cards


Penn State York held a candlelight vigil in 2014-15 to increase awareness of child sexual abuse. The fourth annual vigil, in November 2014, was sponsored by the Penn State York Council on Family Relations Club and the Student Veterans Association.