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2008 MET Senior Project - Twardzik

Creative students demonstrate senior projects


What do a solar-heated pet shelter, a realistic race car simulator, and a go-kart which can negotiate land and water have in common?

They and others were created by Penn State Harrisburg Mechanical Engineering Technology students as part of their course requirements for the senior design project.

Olmsted window replacement project

The college Office of Physical Plant reports the project to replace all windows on the south face of Olmsted Building will begin Friday, May 16. In order to be ready for fall semester, the contractor is under a very tight schedule.

$10,000 grants enhance faculty research partnerships with business

Penn State Harrisburg faculty research involving the creation of biodiesel fuel from a plant native to Central America, a therapeutic assistive bathing device, and outer packaging for an infrared sensor have all earned grants from the midstate’s Innovation Transfer Network. The grants of $10,000 each enhance the partnerships between three private companies and the faculty expertise to further develop innovative products for commercial use.

Sue Copella

Data Center director elected to national post

Sue Copella, director of the Pennsylvania State Data Center on the campus of Penn State Harrisburg, has been elected vice chair of the Federal/State Cooperative Program for Population Projections (FSCPPP).

Elected at the organization’s annual meeting in New Orleans, Copella will serve as chair in 2009.

Finance Club donation

Grad’s generosity provides financial seminars for students

Through the generosity of Alumni Society Board member Ron Bittner ’86, Penn State Harrisburg students took advantage of April campus seminars during which guest speakers share information on how to make informed financial decisions.

Bittner, senior pension compliance consultant with Trollinger Consulting Group in Allentown, provided the funding for the series with the donation to the sponsoring student Finance Club and the Alumni Society.

Heard on Campus – Major General Jessica L. Wright

Major General Jessica L. Wright has amassed an impressive list of “firsts” in her 35-year military career.

But when asked to describe herself, she replies simply “I’m a soldier.”

Gen. Wright was guest speaker April 29 at the all-campus liaison luncheon hosted by Penn State Harrisburg’s Commission for Women.

Dr. Madlyn L. Hanes

Chancellor to receive Distinguished Alumnus Award

Penn State Harrisburg Chancellor Madlyn L. Hanes has been selected to receive one of her alma mater’s highest honors.

The University of Florida announced it will present Dr. Hanes with its Distinguished Alumnus Award during commencement ceremonies May 3 in Gainesville.

Photo exhibit studies 35 years on a family farm

An area family farm and the people it has touched over 35 years are the main ingredients in a photographic exhibit open to the public through June 30 at Penn State Harrisburg.

The work of Shiremanstown photographer Robert Willis is on exhibit in the main central lobby of Olmsted building from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.

Student to get glimpse of ‘life at real IT company’

Penn State Harrisburg students will receive a first-hand look at “Life at a Real IT Company” April 17 from representatives of the multi-national Versatile Systems.

Coordinated by the Innovation Transfer Network, the presentation is focused on providing career advice and the challenges of working at a technology-focused corporation.