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A photo of a group of 11 Penn State Harrisburg students and staffers, sitting on a stone wall outdoors

Leadership Conference

Students and staff members from Penn State Harrisburg attended the Summer Leadership Conference in August. Pictured, back row (l-r): Noah Cruz, Julia Hoffmann, Erick Vetovich, Venus Talbot, and Salmaan Bhimji. Front row (l-r): Katherine Thear, Chelsy-Sippora Funebe, Michelle Weber-Colon (assistant director of student engagement), Britni Greenleaf (student engagement coordinator), Deresha Cooper and Tiffaney Simmers.

Photo of Abu Asaduzzaman

Professor awarded NSF grant for research on mercury in the Arctic

Abu Asaduzzaman, assistant professor of chemistry in Penn State Harrisburg’s School of Science, Engineering and Technology, was awarded a nearly $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Chemistry, to pursue research into the environmental interactions of mercury in the Arctic.