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Shermeen and her family

Nursing student faces personal challenges to become family's second DNP student

As the middle child of first-generation Pakistani immigrants, Shermeen Asif Muhammad has faced many trials and tribulations. But with her trust in Allah and the devotion of her parents, Muhammad has never shied away from pursuing her goals, especially now on her newest journey to becoming a nurse practitioner in the Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing.
collage image of woman leaning against plank wall and her book cover title Messy Roots

Hanes Library welcomes author-illustrator, speaker Laura Gao April 6

Penn State University Libraries’ Madlyn L. Hanes Library at Penn State Harrisburg will welcome author–illustrator Laura Gao to campus for a speaking and book signing event on April 6. Gao's graphic memoir, “Messy Roots, A Graphic Memoir of a Wuhanese-American,” tells the story of Gao’s childhood, moving from Wuhan, China, to Texas and discovering her queer identity.