Presentation and book publication: Dr. Shaun Gabbidon, distinguished professor of criminal justice, was invited by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) to speak at the “Race Matters: A New Dialogue Between Criminology and Sociology” symposium in September 2018. The event focused on race, ethnicity, indigeneity, and crime concerns largely in the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia. Researchers from three continents compared and contrasted the nature of the problem in their unique context and considered potential solutions for racial disparities in justice systems. Gabbidon also published the fifth edition of Race and Crime.
Accepted manuscript: Stephanie Winkeljohn Black, assistant professor of psychology, had a manuscript accepted to the Archives of Sexual Behavior that details outcomes related to college student hookups and drinking. The manuscript is titled, "A short-term longitudinal investigation of hookups and holistic outcomes among college students." The manuscript is now currently in press.
Paper presentation: Tara Reis, a senior in the criminal justice program, presented a paper titled "Under Fire: Understanding Oppositional Positions on Gun Control." The paper, co-authored with Dr. Jennifer Gibbs, assistant professor of criminal justice, was presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting in November 2018. The abstract states that despite recent mass shooting tragedies, lawmakers struggle to pass “sensible” firearms policies to prevent such shootings. This difficulty in passing gun control legislation stems from the vast array of emotionally-charged public opinions surrounding gun control.
Article publications and paper awards: Dr. Sheela Pandey, assistant professor of management, has recently published two articles: “Applying Natural Language Processing Capabilities in Computerized Textual Analysis to Measure Organizational Culture” and “The Appeal of Social Accelerators: What do Social Entrepreneurs Value?” Pandey has also received several awards: the 2018 USABE Annual Conference John Jack Award for overall best paper dealing with entrepreneurship by women or minorities or under conditions of adversity titled “Women’s Business Ownership and Women’s Entrepreneurship through the Lens of U.S. Federal Policies” and the 2018 Review of Public Personnel Administration Best Article of 2017 Award for her paper titled “Intersectionality in Public Leadership Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda.”