Walker Award Nominee Information Sheet

For use by nominees for the Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award only.

Deadline for submission: Feb. 21, 2018

Your Information
The name of the person who nominated you for this award (see notification email).
See notification email.

Semester/Cumulative GPA

List your GPA and cumulative GPA for each semester.


Semester/Semester GPA/Cumulative GPA

Fall 2013/3.0/3.0
Spring 2014/3.5/3.25
Fall 2014/3.5/3.33


List campus clubs or organizations in which you hold (or have held) active membership. Include the name of the organization, the office/position you held, and the amount of time you held that office/position.


  • SGA, Vice President, Fall 2014
  • Radio Station, Asst. Manager, Fall 2013- Spring 2014


List all community organizations that you hold or have held active membership. Include the name of the organization, the office/position you held, along with the amount of time you held that office/position.


  • Troop 99 of the Boy Scouts of America, Asst. Scoutmaster, 2013-present
  • American Red Cross, volunteer, 2012-2014

Additional Information

Comment on other noteworthy personal contributions of time, energy, and/or initiative that you have made for the general good of fellow students and the campus and community.

The statement below is to relate only to that period of time during which the nominee has been enrolled as a student of Penn State University.
I give permission to have my academic record shared with the Award Selection Committee. I certify that the information within this application is true to the best of my knowledge.