As part of our regular “We Are!” feature, we recognize 16 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.
More than 50 students from nearly a dozen Pennsylvania colleges and universities participated in the Penn State School of Public Policy’s inaugural Policy Simulation Competition on March 1.
The winning picture in the 2025 Penn State Today winter photo contest was submitted by Dom Feola, marketing specialist in Penn State Outreach. The picture shows Jane, the resident sandhill crane at Shaver's Creek Environmental Center.
At its meeting on Feb. 21, the Penn State Board of Trustees approved the start of renovations to two residences halls at University Park and three real estate transactions, among other actions.
As part of our regular “We Are!” feature, we recognize 20 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.
The Penn State Climate Consortium has awarded five workshops as a part of its Climate Solutions Accelerator Program to foster impactful research and bring effective climate solutions to communities in Pennsylvania and around the world.
As Black History Month continues, there are still many events available during the second half of February at Penn State campuses across the commonwealth. Several Zoom and online events at University Park are open to all campus communities.
As part of our regular “We Are!” feature, we recognize 19 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.
As part of our regular “We Are!” feature, we recognize 21 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.