Honors Program Application - First Year Students

Your Information

e.g. 912345678

Please provide a number that you can be reached at currently

Educational Information
I will be a
Do you wish to live in on-campus honors housing?
Letter Of Recommendation
At least one letter of recommendation must be submitted on your behalf. Letters must be from someone in a professional educational role, i.e. an instructor or adviser who can constructively describe the quality of your academic work and your ability to be an honors student.
Must be an instructor, counselor, or adviser.

Please ask your recommender to email their letter of recommendation to [email protected] with a Subject Line of the form 'Honors Letter of Recommendation for [student name]'.

Personal Statement

As part of your application, you must create a two-page, double-spaced essay, addressing at least the following

  1. one to two achievements
  2. career and/or personal goals
  3. how the Honors Program can help you achieve your goals

This personal statement must be original.

This essay must be submitted as part of this application ('Choose file' button, below).

Upload requirements
  • I understand that this application does not guarantee acceptance into the Honors Program.
  • I give permission to have my academic record shared with the Selection Committee of the Honors Program.