Dauphin County Addictions Conference 2021



Social Connectedness in the Atmosphere of Social Distancing

May 11-12,2021
9:00 am - 3:45 pm
Location: Virtual via Zoom


Dauphin County Department of Drug and Alcohol Services
Commissioners Jeff Haste, Mike Pries & George P. Hartwick III
Penn State Harrisburg Continuing Education
Douglas W. Pollock Center for Addiction Outreach and Research


Conference Schedule

*The workshops will be 1 hour and the plenary sessions will be 1.25 hours*

Day 1: May 11th, 2021
9:00–9:15am   Welcome and Opening Remarks (WHOLE GROUP)
Kristin Varner, Director, Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol
John M. Mason, Jr., PhD, Chancellor, Penn State Harrisburg
Jeff Haste, Mike Pries, George J. Hartwick III, Dauphin County Commissioners

Vendors – (WHOLE GROUP)


Plenary Session (WHOLE GROUP)

  • Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs Overview 
    Robert Rounce, Grace Kindt & Gail Yoder, Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs 
    This session will focus on providing attendees with an understanding of current programs and services provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs
  • Recovery and Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic 
    Kristin Varner, Director, Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Programs 
    This session will focus on providing an understanding of increased isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on those in recovery and treatment, and how to support social connectedness moving forward. 
10:45–11:00am BREAK

Workshop Session #1

  1. The Pathway of an Epidemic: Current Drug Trends
    Vince Mercuri M.Ed., CADC, LPC, Executive Director, The Open Door of Indiana PA
    This session is focused on awareness of the current opiate epidemic from a current and historical perspective, as well as other current drug trends. 
  2. Social Media and Vaping
    Kar-Hai Chu, PhD, Associate Professor, Center for Social Dynamics and Community Health, Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh 
    This session is focused on understanding the latest prevalence data on youth vaping, recognizing new vaping products, and identifying marketing tactics applied by vaping companies. 
  3. Unintended Consequences of Criminalizing Substance Use During Pregnancy
    Sung W. Choi, PhD, Assistance Professor of Health Administration, School of Public Affairs, Penn State Harrisburg
    This session is focused on exploring variation in state responses related to substance use during pregnancy, the impact of the Tennessee Fetal Assault Law on the number of out of state childbirths among Tennessee residents, and the unintended policy consequences of criminalizing substance use during pregnancy. 
12:00–1:00pm Lunch
1:00–1:15pm Vendors (WHOLE GROUP)

Workshop Session #2

  1. Gambling, Gaming and the Impact of COVID-19
    Josh Ercole, Executive Director, Council on Compulsive Gambling, Inc. 
    This session is focused on understanding the factors included in the development of problematic gambling and gaming, prevalence rates and risk factors of disordered gambling, warning signs and how to address the issues, awareness of available local resources, the potential risks and overlap between gambling and gaming, and the impact the pandemic has had on gambling and gaming. 
  2. Tobacco Control Public Policy: Become and Advocate 
    Molly Pisciottano, MHA, Director of Advocacy for Pennsylvania & West Virginia, American Lung Association 
    This discussion will focus on understanding current public policy related to tobacco control and e-cigarettes, how to be a tobacco control advocate and recognizing the necessity of linking policy and prevention efforts. 
2:15–2:30pm BREAK

Workshop Session #3

  1. A Digital World: Youth, Technology, Social Media and Mental Health 
    Ryan Klingensmith, LPC, NCC, Founder of Shape The Sky: Creating Responsible Kids on Smartphones 
    This session is focused on understanding popular social media platforms and trends that are popular with youth, identifying behavioral uses of technology and social media that may be hidden from adults but that are actively being used by youth, and prevention practices and how to work with youth as a parent, educator or provider. 
  2. Drugs of Abuse as False Messengers: The Opioids
    Kent E. Vrana, PhD, FAAAS, Elliot S. Vesell Professor & Chair of Pharmacology, Penn State College of Medicine
    This session is focused on the relationship between drugs of abuse and natural brain messengers, how drugs of abuse change brain structure and function and understanding how addiction is a brain disease.  
3:30–3:45pm Closing


Day 2: May 12th, 2021
9:00–9:15am   Welcome and Opening Remarks (WHOLE GROUP)
Kristin Varner, Director, Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Programs
Jeff Haste, Mike Pries, George J. Hartwick III, Dauphin County Commissioners
9:15– 9:30am Vendors – (WHOLE GROUP)

Plenary Session (WHOLE GROUP)

  • Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Programs Overview
    Kristin Varner, Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Programs 
    This session will focus on providing attendees with an understanding of current programs and services provided by the Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Programs. 
  • Criminal Justice Advisory Board – Treatment Programs Update
    Catharine Kilgore, BA, Criminal Justice Advisory Board Administrator/Drug & Veterans Court Supervisor
    This session will focus on understanding the mission of the Dauphin County Criminal Justice Advisory Board, recent additions to treatment related programming and criminal justice case processing and veterans and drug court programs. 
10:45–11:00am BREAK

Workshop Session #4

  1. Stigma in our State: Regional Results from a Statewide Opioid Stigma Survey 
    Övgü Kaynak, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology & Christopher Whipple, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education, Penn State Harrisburg
    This session is focused on the current state of opioid-related stigma (e.g., public, work, and stigma related to harm reduction strategies) and regional and state-wide strategies to address opioid-specific stigma. 
  2. Gambling Disorder and Available Resources in PA
    Elizabeth Lanza, Director, Office of Compulsive and Problem Gambling, Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
    This session is focused on recognize signs and symptoms of Gambling Disorder, how to direct individuals with gambling problems to the PA helpline number and understanding the resources available in PA for individuals who have a gambling disorder.
12:00–1:00pm Lunch
1:00–1:15pm Vendors – (WHOLE GROUP)

Workshop Session #5

  1. Open the Door to Recovery & Life Unites Us: Understanding Stigma Reduction Campaigns
    Weston Kensinger, PhD, CHES, Director, Douglas W. Pollock Center for Addiction Outreach and Research, Associate Teaching Professor of Health Education, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education, Penn State Harrisburg & Kristin Varner, Director, Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Programs
    The discussion will focus on evidence-based practice surrounding reducing substance use disorder stigma and understanding effective components of two stigma reduction campaigns in PA. 
  2. VAPE TALK/Facts About Tobacco
    Eric Rothermel, Program Director/PA-CCHW, Harrisburg Area YMCA Center for Healthy Living
    The discussion will focus on vaping and tobacco use. This includes new vaping and tobacco products on the market and tobacco control resources and programs available in PA. 
2:15–2:30pm BREAK

Plenary Session & Closing (WHOLE GROUP)

What is Your Legacy?
Frederick Shegog, Founder/CEO, The Message LLC
As K-12 schools, institutions of higher learning, and communities find themselves impacted by the current drug and opioid epidemic, research provides an opportunity to equip educators, policymakers, and advocates with the necessary tools to use. This solution-oriented workshop emphasizes diversity, inclusion, and equity to address this growing mental health crisis. 

Kristin Varner, Director, Dauphin County Drug and Alcohol Programs


Dauphin County