New Student Convocation - Volunteer Form

Please volunteer to assist with running the new student convocation. This event is designed to welcome, celebrate, and engage first year students. Sample volunteer tasks include serving as greeters, directing attendees to their seats, distributing t-shirts, and serving food, among others.

Volunteers will receive instructions on assigned tasks, arrival times, and ceremony details via email.

Volunteer Group
Please select which time slot you are volunteering for. You are welcome to serve in both groups. Afterwards, please stay for food, live music, and to meet our new students!
Group 1
Need at least 15 volunteers to serve as greeters/direct attendees to seating sections, staff the t-shirt distribution station, and assemble platform party and faculty.
Group 2
Need at least 25 volunteers to serve food and scoop ice cream at the post-ceremony picnic.
Your Name
Full cell phone number. Will be used to send text messages in case of inclement weather.
Employee Type
Non-exempt staff (who complete timesheets) may need to rearrange their schedule to avoid unintentional overtime. Please work with your supervisor to determine the best course of action, e.g. overtime compensation or flexible scheduling arrangements.
A copy of this submission will be sent to the supervisor of non-exempt staff.