Request a SmartPen

Would you like to record a class and then replay the audio that applies by tapping on your notes?

If you are a Penn State Harrisburg student, the Learning Center has a number of SmartPens available for student loan. The SmartPens will be loaned on a first requested basis for each semester until our supply is exhausted.

Request the SmartPen by clicking on the request link and completing the form. You will need to provide your contact information, agree to follow the recording policy, and for each course you wish to record, you will need to provide the course code and section number, the schedule number, and the instructor’s name and email. Your request will be automatically emailed to each instructor. When the instructor informs the Learning Center that permission to record has been granted, you will receive an email from the Learning Center that the SmartPen is ready for you to pick up in SEC 201. Email [email protected] with any questions.

Student Information
e.g. 912345678
Must be a PSU e-mail. (e.g.
Step 1: Agreement for Recording Policy

I agree that I will not use this SmartPen to record if, at any time during any class session, the instructor withdraws permission.

I agree that I will be the only user of this SmartPen and any recording I make will NOT be shared, published, posted, or rebroadcast.

I understand that it is against the law in Pennsylvania to record without knowledge or consent and that criminal prosecution is possible if I violate this law.

Placing your initials in the box below indicates that you have read and will follow the recording policy as stated above.
Step 2: Instructor Permissions
You will be notified when the instructor(s) have replied to your request. The instructor must reply to your request and must agree to allow the use. If the instructor does not reply to your request within one week, contact the Learning Center at 717.948.6475 or [email protected].
First Course
(e.g. ECON100.001)
Check your schedule in LionPath for the schedule number.
Must be a PSU e-mail. (e.g. [email protected])
Second Course
(e.g. ECON100.001)
Check your schedule in LionPath for the schedule number.
Must be a PSU e-mail. (e.g. [email protected])
Third Course
(e.g. ECON100.001)
Check your schedule in LionPath for the schedule number.
Must be a PSU e-mail. (e.g. [email protected])